Multiple Choice this time... Q: In physics, nuclear disintegration is better known as what? A: Radioactivity B: Flourescence C: Magnetism Answer C! 🤣⚛⚛ Why are people so vain that they'll let even an expert hack them about, let alone a charlatan tatooist? She look fine before this yet she no doubt... ...
Good evening, all! A pathetic start for me this week, with just ONE out of 7 in the grown-ups' quiz: I didn't do a great deal better in the kids'... ... Right oh love, were they wrong to abandon ship when the titanic hit an iceberg... ...
He's on 2 lots of tablets. 2 a day for helping to rid fluid from his lungs an 1 to help prevent blood clots. He's not too bad with water tablets, which I crush uo but the other for prevention of... ... Press escape as its loading to read the article. Trains cancelled after Aslef told drivers not... ...
Evening all, The little drain hole in the fridge keeps getting blocked and is doing Mr RR's head in. Online, I saw a little device thing that helps unblock it. I need to google it so I can buy... ...
Ive realky gone off the Azeera instant coffee that I have had had for some time. I shall look for another brand - I quite like L'or or revert to ground coffee.. I dont drink tea apart from... ...
Crocodile Dundee, in new york when he gets out of the Limo, he asks the driver "what's your tribe?" - that line was cut! FGS the idea is the character is an aussie back woodsman! ^&%$ing... ...