There were these three sisters, Anne, Jan and Fanny. Anne and Jan went on a double date and their date said: "Wow, you both have really big feet." Anne said: "You shoukld see our Fanny's...they're... ...
Awful weather conditions today. I've just visited my 80 years old neighbour to ask her if she needed anything from the shops. Turns out that she does, so I've given her my list as well. No point in... ...
The hardest part of a long distance relationship is persuading the wife to move away. ___ I once had a fling with a woman from my fencing club. It was a rather sworded affair. ___ I'm looking to buy an... ...
"Dad, what does 'ignoramus' mean”? "I've no idea son”. “Probably some type of dinosaur”. ___ My American friend asked me if I had ever been abroad? I said: "No, I've always been a fella!" ___ Today my... ...
My therapist told me to stop inventing scenarios in my head. Which is odd, since I don't have a therapist. ___ I've just checked my home insurance cover policy and apparently, if my duvet is stolen... ...
The Ding family had a son whom they named William. He grew up to become a famous architect. In fact, he traveled all over the world, designing massive structures. He was even hired to design entire... ...
Some scumbags have nicked our tree. Bring back the birch I say !!!! ___ I don't normally fart in burger king but when I do it's a whopper! ___ Last night l slept with the bedside light on, people may... ...
A group of 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders, accompanied by 2 female teachers, went on a field trip to the local race track to learn about thoroughbred horses and the sporting industry, but mostly to see... ...
I just found a half frozen tiny bird as I walked home, so I put it in my pocket to give it a chance of survival. When I showed the wife, she told me how much she loved me for being so kind and... ...
I went to the annual Native American dance contest yesterday , unfortunately it was canceled because of the rain. ___ The U.S. has announced it will be launching a space ship to apologise to the... ...
I went to the doctor today because I was depressed over finishing crosswords too quickly He told me not to get 2 down. ___ Bono rang me the other day to wish me a happy New Year! I said thanks, same... ...
I take 8 tablets a day. I find Security at Curry's is really useless. ___ I think Christmas should be in July when the shops aren't so busy. ___ I went to the doctors today. He told me my sugar was too... ...