I am currently watching a TV show that's very poorly written. Every episode there is a part where the characters stand around and kind of recap the story, what the threat is, what they're doing... ...
I had a Sherlock Holmes 50p coin in my change so I kept it just because I wanted to use a loupe to read the writing. Anyway I heard that certain 50p coins are worth something. It's 2019... ...
If you just had the symptons of a common cold? Started with the sniffles and sneezes yesterday. This morning awoke to the same plus runney nose and sore throat. (No different from any other cold... ...
Does anyone know the era's the ghosts are from, Robin is bc I would say and Fridays episode it mentioned Tom is 200 years old and Kitty 300, is the captain 1st or 2nd WW? Lady Button? Pat and... ...
How many posters on here wish they had the power to Ban posters they don't like, or disagree with what they say. And would like AB just for themselves and their chosen posters ? A chums club...
Good evening, all! I hope that everyone here is well! I started off with a ‘middling’ score of FOUR out of seven this week in the main quiz https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-67090687 . . . but I... ...
Is it about time Wasting A&E Time became a crime like Wasting Police Time. OR At least imposing some sort of "penalty' - no wonder the NHS is struggling to... ...
Ths horsehoe crab looks like it comes from another world. It's not a creature I've seen before so thought I'd share. There are other good pictures there too to enjoy. Fabulous... ...