Can anyone tell me how to make sure that when I buy eggs that I'm going to get a lovely orange yolk instead of an insipid yellow colour. It seems that only when I buy the eggs from a farm i can be...
Hi Answerbankers. I have just paid £35 for my battery changing as it was not keeping its charge. I charged the new battery up less than an hour ago and already its used 5%. Have I paid £35 for...
Morning All
Does anyone know what the long number is on the right side of the screen when you are watching a football match. Its bugging me what it can be.
If anyone has a B Max can you tell me what you think of it please. We have a C Max at the moment and its been a great car. We are thinking of getting the B Max as opposed to the C Max. I know and...
Im on level 650 in Dreamworld and every 2 weeks it updates. I was ready on wednesday to kick that Owls butt but alas!!! NO UPDATE. Iv been waiting ever since. Its all updated on the Mac via Facebook....
Hi All Iv asked this question in the food & drink section but only got 1 kind response but need more information please. I bought Mr Rosie a Nespresso for xmas. Can i onoy use the Nespresso pods in it...
Hi all Iv just bought Mr Rosie a Krups Nespresso U machine for xmas. My question is, can i use any pods in this or does it have to be specifically the Nespresso pods, also i have seen on Amazon that...
Hi Ric-ror. We had the Soffitts and Facias done last Monday. They did a fantastic job and the business owner is a great bloke. They were that good we have decided to use them to do our loft. The web...
Hi all Not sure if I'm posting in the right spot but does anyone know the email address of Richard Price the CEO of BHS. I have been on but the CEO that's on there doesn't work for them...
Morning all. How much would I expect to pay for an average Semi detached house. We are thinking of replacing the gutters as well. I know it depends on the size of the house but a rough guess please
Morning all I have several white facecloths (well they used to be white), before I throw them away has anyone any tips on if I can restore them to the lovely white they used to be. I have tried...
My sister has a TV with a USB port which only shows pictures. She was going to buy a new DVD player that has a USB Port but when we told the assistant what we needed it for, he suggested a lead that...
Morning. We have a fire that sits on a glass shelf inside a Marble Fire surround, we are in the middle of changing the gas fire and the new fire weighs considerably more. Im worried that the new fire...
Morning all. I paid in full for a fire on sunday and was told that once the survey was carried out by the gas fitter they would order the fire. Before the fitter came yesterday i checked on the...