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mikey4444 Apparently only about 33% of us eat 5 pieces of fruit and veg a day, and now some researchers have suggested that we should up this to 7 a day. I work on the...
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the new england shirt is £90.00 (for the one with all the technical stuff in it ) how much does it cost to make - and who makes what i,e what do nike get . what do the FA get and what does the shop...
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sooner or later i just knew they would, they even give you a binary code translator for you to check the message...
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mikey4444 Interesting report from the BBC Website. I have been accused in the past of being disingenuous by describing UKIP as BNP-lite but this link clearly...
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How did Kylie get on so well in the pop business must be one of the worst singers ever, she has been singing or should I say miming on Sports Relief, tuneless!!
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Hello Abers one and all :)) Whether you believe in reincarnation or not; if you could come back, what would you like to come back as? For me, I would like to come back as a singing candle: for, then,...
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Increase the price of fags and booze. I know he knocked 1p of beer duty. Please don't say google it. I'm shattered, just need to know, as if so I will stock up before Asda raise the price. Now off to...
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Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic...
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Iggle Piggle
Has anybody used artificial grass and how much it costs per square metre roughly ? Thanks
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Just discovered , I have not renewed my TV Licence , will I get a criminal record automatically or community service? .
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The Mrs wanted some lippy among other things for her birthday next week. Went into John Lewis & went to the appropriate counter, got the lippy & I mentioned I could do with some moisturizer to the...
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Heart FM, pancake day quiz. Presenter: What is French for pancake? Caller: This must be the hardest subject in the world. Is it "le pancake"? I'm gobsmacked:-)...
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So what's this in the budget about increasing the prizes
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Good old George announced he was increasing maximum holding to £40K. He also mentioned increasing maximum prize win per month from 1 lump of £1,000,000 to 2 prizes of £1,000,000. Will they fund...
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What is to your immediate left and your immediate right? - Glass of Sauvignon Blanc and the TV page in my case Guys did you have steak and trimmings for dinner?...
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Is he a bit too ready with his fists, and feet?
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Can the body easily digest porridge oats which are eaten uncooked with cold milk? What change do they undergo, if any, when they are eaten as porridge? ossian...
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Today's challenge is to take a famous name, character, book or film (I am being generous to you this morning) and change it slightly to incorporate an illness, disease or medicine. I'll start with One...
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My nephew has some school homework. They are learning about inventors and their inventions. He has to come up with an idea and either show how it works on a poster or do a prototype. Does anyone have...

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