in November 2011, i text her to say congrats and if she needed anything, i.e cleaning tidying shopping etc. She replied to me and said no thanks, and she will let us know when we can visit. She still...
from bodyshop. I bought the whole range and have been using this for 2 weeks now. It hasny yet improved the overall look of my skin, but it has stopped any more spots from appearing. Also tea tree...
it was laid 2 years ago, and there was a pathway going from top to the bottom of the garden, which was taken up, and not properly rotavated, anyway this has not been a problem, until this month, where...
which is the best camera i can buy? i have up to £100 budget and also need one that will need memory card that is not to expensive. I'm out of touch with these kind of things, and have seen some...
but have been told i may have to pay, i don't mind as long as i know how much we're looking at, not having IVF, as im not that desperate, just trying to get some clomid etc to help ovulate. Has anyone...
is there anything you would recommend to get rid of these, i am sick of it now, my cheeks are covered in acne, and when that goes i get scars for years, i need to deal with them ...i have tried bio...
If Someone From Another Country Comes Here to visit, and then starts working in discrete from home i.e beauty parlour, cash in hand, no tax. Is this illegal? and who do you report it to, because quite...
im feeling so crap today, need cheering up..anyone done anything fun today, got a great joke to tell, or come across a funny situation, please tell me, it might cheer me up. thanks