How many of you had a school crush? I fancied this guy throughout my whole time at secondary school! He was gorgeous.... all the girls liked him and me and him were good mates.... we flirted all the...
Recently me and a guy at work have been getting on great... we have always got on well but the last few months we have been texting eachother almost everyday and have had late night phone chats...
I know its more of an American tradition but is anyone doing it or taking kids to do it tonight? Me and my best mate are taking her 2 little boys trick or treating and we have roped my sister and our...
Goooood Mooorrning Answerbank..... Can I just say I am so happy today (and very tired).. I went on a date last night with some guy I met a few weeks back. We went for a 'quick' drink which lasted from...
Hello, To those who helped with the threads on my sisters Pneumonia the other week, She is well now. The doctors have given her the all clear and have said she more than likely doesn't have Wegners...
Hello, Does anyone know of a way I can stop my hair curling? I straighten my hair everyday and its soft, sleek and straight. I have never had a problem with it, especially in the summer but now the...
Why do men lie soooooo much? Ok... Months ago me and my friend who I will call E, met this guy who I will call R. We started hanging about with R and his mates and would meet them in town on nights...
Hello All, My sister had Pneumonia a few weeks back and a lung absess. She is fine now but had an Xray yesterday and the doctor put her on 2 more weeks of Antibiotics. They took a Urine and Blood...
I am refering to this: uestion294877.html I did it again... I met him last night!!!! We had been texting eachother most of the day and then when I was...
Hello all, Firstly I have NEVER been a fan of Tattoos and I KNOW they are permanent and all this. Trust me, I have preached enough to my sister about her one and told her it was stupid and all...
Ok... Recently I slept with someone I shouldn't have! I can't go into to much detail as I am scared who will read this but this guy is an ex of a friends sister! They had been broken up almost a month...
Hey all, My little sister is in hospital with Pneumonia! She had a chest infection last week and by Saturday she was taken into hospital for Xrays and blood tests. She now has fluid on the lung which...
I really hate the term 'Other half' or even worse 'Better half'.... it just inplies that without them you aren't whole and while some people might consider this cute to think they aren't complete...
I heard once that if you can smell your own perfume on you all day long then its the wrong perfume for you! Do you think thats true? I normally wear Dolce&Gabbana - Light Blue and sometimes CKB. I can...
Hey all, I am loving my new job and I am the youngest female there and the next one up is 24 and then they are all above 35... there is plenty of male totty too! There is a guy there who kind of likes...