I know I am supposed to be in bed, but was checking the news before I went and saw this story: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/merseyside/ 4253849.stm I know that it might get moved to news, but it...
What puts a smile on your face first thing in the morning? Please try and keep it clean............ I'm feeling happy and bouncy today - the sun always makes me smile And it's Friday yay
I would like to see how many people out there would describe them selves honestly, here on the ab? We are all unknowns except for our pen names, so how can it hurt? I always try to imagine what sort...
Hello all, I need advice to kind of get one over on someone with words.... im not too good with arguements etc and what to say! Story is....... about this time last year I was single and fed up so...
Has anybody heard of, or tried, the pencil test? This is where you hold the breast up, hold a pencil horizontally underneath it, then let go of the breast and let go off the pencil. If you do this...
I've been decorating to tidy up the place a bit before we sell it. Today, I painted the insides of three fitted wardrobes up in the attic - stood back, complimented myself on a job well done and then...
Since me and my ex broke up a year an a half ago I have reconnected with a lot of friends I lost touch with whilst I was with him! Not for any major reason did we lose touch, just that I was with my...
... whilst watching Big Brother, we had a debate about how people can be so evil and nasty and it shows in their faces! I don't mean by facial expressions but I mean just pure uglyness! My sister said...
If you had been married 10 years (one child) and your partner was unfaithful a couple of times with a stranger, possibly/probably with texts in between, would you forgive them? I know this has...
Ok, I have had a cold since about Christmas time! I had Sinusitis just before Christmas and since then I have suffered with bad sinuses all the time, a tickly cough and sometimes sore eyes! I also...
I was having an absolutely RUBBISH day today withboss from hell...so bad I was almost in tears. Then,one of the guys told me that he thought I was 10yrs younger than I am-wow! How nice is that! Really...
It has occured to me since discovering AB that I spend more time and effort on this site, answering the Q's and reading the dilemma's of people I have never met than actually getting off my backside...
Really am not sure where to post this question so forgive, and i would be interested to see where (if anywhere) they move it to? I had an email yesterday from the above, saying that basically i am a...
Did anyone do that 'Face Recognition' thing? Where it scans a pic of your face and sees which celebs you look like? I just got told I look: Amerie - 75% Charlottle Church - 75% Amanda Seyfried - 73%...
Hello! I was told at work this morning that I look a lot like Nigella Lawson and it made my morning! Who do you all look like ? And if you have seen one another - who do you think they look like ?...
Just watched a 79 year old guy tap dance on that Britain has talent show and he was brilliant, can you dance? i can't dance for toffee : ( I hope i can dance when i am 79 grrrrrrrrrrr
I've only been with my new bloke for 3 months now and I noticed the other day a magnet has gone missing off my fridge of me and my ex at alton towers. I never kept it there because he's my ex, never...