/// You have to look at the other issues surrounding security, because whether we like it...
For the last few days i've been feeling light headed and dizzy, ever so slighly unbalanced, and going up or downstairs feels a bit weird, I feel ok in myself, no other symptoms. Is there anything I...
Is it ok to plug a washing machine into a normal electric socket? The socket that I normally use is behind the machine and not easy to get too, it is fed by a fused switch socket above the worktop...
Our sky package is set to run out next month. We have been with Sky a year and been very happy customers. We currently have a decent discount applied to the account so I realised there was going to be...
Why does Tess keep referring to last nights show .? We all know it's recorded from last night and we know the result . From the very start tonight she referred to last nights show .
Can anyone recommend reasonably priced non-stick saucepan set ? Thought I'd found the perfect set, got set of Tower ceramic ones just under a year ago, they were fab, but now they are sticking, not...
I watched an episode of 'Fake or Fortune' on TV last evening (Wednesday) but have forgotten the name of the artist of the portrait of a young woman in a red dress. It was thought to be genuine. The...
Anybody think that the woman going back for the waiters phone number was a set-up? Coincidence that the camera was outside, when she returned to the restaurant I loved the oldish couple, such a good...
As the shock waves settle on Mr Allardyce's activities, and the results, he, and several other media and football figures are talking about 'entrapment' by The Telegraph - as though he is somehow an...
I met this guy the other week and he fixed a door for me which he didn't want to charge me for. Before he left he asked me out for a drink in a few days time. we had a lovely evening and he was such a...