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gness lover by any means....I would never want to own one....look after one or be tied by the responsibility..... But a friend is visiting and I am dog sitting this evening while she gallivants ...I...
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I have just discovered I have no apple sauce to go with the roast pork that is in the oven. ! I have one apple which I am sautéing in butter and a bit of sugar. Will that work does anyone know ?...
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I have had really painful wind for the last 4 hours with pain spasmodic lower right hand side however I am not off my food and not feeling or been sick but I am passing massives amount of wind and in...
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My son loves fishing , so I thought as I am his secret Santa, I'd get him something to do with it. We agree to spend around 80-100€. I don't know the proper name for it, but he goes to the beach and...
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I understand that if you are having blood taken then a vein is used but which is used for an infusion/drip ??
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I am very worried about how my daughter is behaving with her daughter. My GD is nearly 5 and very headstrong and intelligent. My daughter also, she works very hard and gets quite stressed, but then...
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This year I have just ordered the turkey crown which will weigh around 4 kilos according to the butcher. Has anyone cooked a turkey crown before and do you have any advise? We are going to be around...
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1 Sometimes I'll look down at my watch 3 consecutive times and still not know what time it is. 2. Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong. 3. I totally...
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Obviously if you are able to, but I do know people who are of my age or older who do take a nap during the day.Just recently I have fallen asleep every day without fail between 5pm and 6pm and...
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I've just heard this piece on the radio, probably his most well known. It's always given me the creeps because as I child my mother told me it represented someone buried alive who was banging on the...
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I've decided to while away the short, drab wintry days by resurrecting an old pleasure...reading. I'd love recommendations. I have read all Maeve Binchy and Marian Keyes (apart from her new one) ,...
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Can anyone recommend a makeup foundation for a 60 year old face ? I don't have many lines but do have " age spots "...
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I have a recipe for a white chocolate cheesecake i am wanting to make for Christmas but it as masapone cheese in which is very high in fat for me. Is there anything I can use as a healthier/lower in...
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I'd never heard of this fragrance, and I cannot seem to find a stockist Can anyone help me?...
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Any suggestions for a natural remedy/buy over the counter to make me feel a bit brighter - had a bad year and everything getting me down at the moment. Thanks.
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Do any ladies here take Toviaz ?
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I bought some lovely little sponge cases from Lidl, anyone got a suggestion what to fill them with ?
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I'm a single bloke living on my own. I have made a massive fish pie this afternoon and had a portion. I realise i can't freeze it (or can i?) so is it a case of sticking it in the fridge and having...
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Does anyone know how to download my backup onto a nw phone? I just have received my new iPhone 6, which didn't have the largest IOS, so I had to download that first and now I don't know how to get...
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who decide to drink and drive. Please share with your Family & Friends.;set=vb.481916538571218&type=2&theater...

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