I hope to bring 2,000 cigarettes back to the UK from Spain. If I was questioned and said I smoked 60 a day(I don't) that would represent only a 5 week supply. Are there limits on the number of...
I'm house/cat sitting in Spain. I've been asked to run the owner's car engine for about 10 minutes once a week. Today it wouldn't start. When the owner comes back, in a couple of weeks, does she just...
A friend fell on some stairs and broke a bone in her big toe. How long will it be before she can become mobile again, hobbling about and driving? I suppose this is like asking, 'How long is a piece of...
There's a drip from the shower head in the place where I'm staying and it's left a rust coloured stain on the side of the bath. What's the easiest way to remove it?
Listening this morning to Amanda Palmer reading The Mushroom Hunters on Radio 4 I was intrigued by the mention of twice cooked mushrooms. Boil them once and theyre still poisonous. They need cooked a...
1992 wasn't the best year for her and she described it as an 'annus horribilis'. This year hasn't been the best for her, either. But this time it's being described as 'bumpy'. Could her advisers have...
Things have come to a pretty pass when a chap can't comfortably enjoy a Woodbine and a read of The Mirror while evacuating his bowels.
What's do be done?...