Went to see Starlight Express in Dublin last night. I enjoyed it but loads of people around us didn't come back for second half, so they obviously thought it was rubbish. What do ABers think?
Has anyone here seen any paintings by the Leicester artist Zena Foster? Actually, has anyone ever paid for any art by this artist? She has many styles (water colours, oils, charcoal etc), but i have...
What's so bad about pork scratchings? Are they all that bad for you and if so why? I didn't eat them for years as I got the idea that they were one of the most disgusting and unhealthy snacks you...
Help! This is going to sound really stupid but a question on a job application form asks me to recall a time when i stood up for something i believed in, even if i knew others may disagree......i am...
Based on the average woman, what is the widest that a vagina can stretch to ? Thinking about childbirth, I know it can get to a certain point before a cut needs to be made, but on average, what is...
If you were stranded on a remote Island indefinately and had a choice to be with 1) Ray Mears (who will remain celibate) or 2) An ever randy supermodel (male or female) Who would you choose?
I've got an 11 y.o. Lurcher bitch and she is mad as a hatter! :o) She's got a great temperament, is great with kids and so loving it's un-believable! Is she an exceptional Lurcher or are they all like...
When I arrived at work this morning HR had a received a letter of resignation from 'Smelly'. Claiming and I quote ' Please except this letter of resignation I was left with no choice but to hand in my...
I'm making a call out/ collection guide for the engineers at work and need some help on what i can put in it. So far, I've said how to handle calls, ie what info (job order no's and plant sites) they...
Morning all. I live in an apartment block and we have a shared enclosed garden. One of my neighbours has a dog who does its business in the garden. My neighbour normally picks up after the dog but...