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.. to be played at an awards ceremony for the trophy for outstanding customer service. Any idea what up beat/ jolly/ powerful song could be played for this award?! Not "You're Simply the Best" as...
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I would like to have a USA holiday next year (poss Feb) and am looking for a good website where I can build my own holiday. Any ideas?
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I have bought a tin of these but am not sure what I can do with them! What recipes are usually used for refried beans?
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I have mince in the fridge that is due to be used today but it has gone from red to a kind of brown colour. Do you know what causes this, and is it still okay to use it?
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I want to copy a DVD- not a bought one, but a home movie. I have Real player and Windows Media Player, and itunes but have no clue how to do it! Can anyone help?
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It's a personal question I know! But I just wondered.. those of us who have been hard at work today, what have we got to show for it- financially? what did you have to do to earn today's buck?
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I have a small area of rising damp in my sitting room. I've never had this before, although my house does suffer from condensation. Any idea how rising damp is treated (what they do) and what it...
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Yawn... So somehow the new blonde girl is working in the Vic- and hence keeps bumping into Ronnie. And keeps quoting her Mum. At some point she will be asked about her Mum, and her story will come...
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My kids singing group need to sing a song to say goodbye/thanks to the Head Teacher who is leaving at Xmas. It could also be a xmas song. Any good ideas what song we could do? Other than "Goodbye" by...
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My joints keep giving way. My knees feel like they contain sand. Everything clicks. Anyone had this or similar?
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Looking back, so far, when were the best days/time in your life? Would you ever want to go back there?
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How are the tunes on adverts actually found? It seems they are often very obscure cover versions of well known or not so well known songs. How does the adbertising agency find these, and who chooses...
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I heard on the radio a few days back that eurovision are thinking of returning to Jurys to judge the contest since the current political voting has got really out of hand. Did anyone else hear this or...
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I found a room I wanted to rent this year, and paid the landlord ?325 for the month and ?325 deposit. This was all done by bank transfer since the room was in Kent and I live in Dorset. He sent me a...
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I have just noticed that the wallpaper on my sitting room wall (an external wall) has gone all crinkly. I felt it and it is very damp. What is the best thing to do about this? Will putting the night...
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My mouse icon is flickering all the time and I can only see it when I move it, and even then it flickers. Any idea how I can fix this? I have tried unplugging it and plugging it back in.
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I have these portable handsets like most people, one in bedroom and one downstairs. However I think the batteries are dying. If they are off their stand for more than a few mins the battery runs down...
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I share a freehold of a house with the lady upstairs. For 6 years we have got on fine, me doing repairs on my flat, her doing repairs on hers. She has a fire escape that come past my window. It is...
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An osteopath told me that I need to do a 3 week fast. Water only- no food. At all. What do you think?! She said that 70% of your energy goes on digesting food, so if you limit your food, your body can...

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