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A girl at school has a mole on her face, and I have noticed that as a treatment of some kind, she has had large stitches put in it. What does this do?
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No matter how hard I try, I always have those tiny black beetle things in my food cupboards. Is there a deterrent available?
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If you could have ONE of the following, which would you choose? Revel Malteser Minstrel M&M
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do you think 36 (me) and 56 (him) is too big an age gap?
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When Pete (on BB) discovered tonight that pretty much all the girls in the house fancied him, he was really really chuffed, and it was very sweet. It got me thinking that maybe we should ALL tell...
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How can I put one image on top of another image?
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What was your favourite toy as a child? Mine was Pippa dolls. Have you looked on Ebay to see if your favourite toy/game is still available?! It is quite COSMIC to see all the old 60s/70s/80s toys...
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I want to add a Circus font to my computer! I found a good one, and saved it in C:, Windows, fonts. Thing is, it's not there. What do I have to do to actually make it appear in my list of fonts?...
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How can I get songs I have bought on itunes onto CD? I can get them onto my ipod but I want to be able to use them on my computer too!
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Well, I gave it about 10 minutes of my attention before I wandered off. Was it any good?
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sorry, but I don't understand it! I watched it for the first time. Who are those people on the panel? why do they all seem to know each other? Who is the banker? What is the box in front on the...
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I am a member of Amazon DVD rentals! Thing is, I am not sure what to rent out. Can you recommend any really amazing films- the sort that you remember all your life and you want your kids to see??! Can...
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My computer is SO slow and never used to be. The pages are taking an age to load and then they crash, particularly on MySpace. What is the best way to clear the rubbish from my computer to stop it...
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Help! My washing machine door won't shut. I try and close it but it just stays open... Any ideas what could be wrong?
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My left foot swelled up last night. It went all "fat". I took a piriton and went to bed but this morning it is still the same, particularly on top. Any idea what causes this? Could it be the hot...
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How do unsigned bands get their music onto itunes for the general public to download if they wish?
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My house doesn't have sufficient drain pipes on the front so when it rains heavily I get flooding in my basement. The house is very tall- it's a Victorian bank- an old street terrace. It has 3...
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Okay, I went to Sport section and I got scared so I came back here. I know nothing about football or the World cup, but I would like to know when it starts, and when our important games are on so I...
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I had to work all day yesterday. I came out of work at 5.30pm and the weather was just glorious, but I went home and spent the evening, knackered, in front of the TV and PC. Today I managed to finally...
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I pay ?72 a month as a single person. This seems like a liberty to me, on top of normal tax! How much do you pay a month?

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