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The other night I taped two programmes whilst my husband was at work - one about the biggest penis in the work, and the other about late breastfeeding. When he came home I asked him which one he...
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This may seem rather a morbid question. I lost touch a long time ago with a school friend and have since heard that she died a couple of years ago. I would love to pay my respects, but don't know how...
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I'm 33. Married. 2 children, both of whom will be at school within the year. In a good financial position. Supportive husband. Life is good! But I'm bored!When the kids are both at school, I could go...
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Just out of interest, does anyone know of anyone who sprays when they yawn, cos my sister does. Whenever she yawns, two jets of spit shoot out, nice. I bet her husband can't believe his luck.
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So how many blokes do you think measured theirs after watching this lastnight??? :-)
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louise jones
My youngest daughter (I have 3) is 9 next week. She is really getting the rest of the household down as everytime someone says 'no' (about absolutely anything!) she pulls the most horrible face and...
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Hi, this might sound a bit silly (because I am a reasonably intelligent woman) but I have a 9 year old son and we were talking the other day about changes that he will be going through at puberty and...
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im stresed! so the other day when the random thought of starting a band came into my head, i didnt ignor it.... im and okish singer, nd im quite confidend, i can read music (well im abit rusty bt u...
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Why do men play with themselves? I have a friend who is nearly 50, and he seems to subconsciously "rub" his groin with his thumb at every opportunity, when sitting down. I have known several other men...
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Hi, I may be being extremely naive here but I have now been with my girflfriend for 2 years and love her very much.... There is just one nagging issue though, SHE CANT KEEP A JOB!! since leaving...
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Are there any foods that I can eat to make my sore throat more bearable? And does anyone have any tips to make me sleep better? I'm ill and have a very sore throat, a cough that hurts because of my...
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Not sure if this should be here or in parenting. My friend at work is 8 & 1/2 months pregnant and the babys head has now engaged. We were wondering, when you stand on your head you get a head...
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Carol Anne
Can anyone remember the UK grocery chain' International stores and their song and dance TV commercials?
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I'm 21. I have few qualifications. Have been 'unemployed' since 16. I WANT to find work, but I'm having a seriously hard time finding anything, as about 95% of positions seem to require previous...
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Does anyone here work or know people working at their local Job Centre ? Whats it like working there ? They must have had some extensive training. Also, is it true that some staff were previously...
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I registered with ebay this morning and I registered my work address with my user name and then I registered on PayPal and used my home address with my debit card details. My question is - will the...
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Hi does anyone know if Skype is ok to use as I would like to keep in contact with my son on his laptop while he is on his travels in europe,thanks.
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Our bathroom gets terribly steamy and full of condensation after showers; up the wall, on the windows and on every surface. I open the window to air but we're on ground floor level and it's not safe...
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haha they're great
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My friend suffers from a hiatus hernia. The following foods aggravate it: wheat, dairy, tomatoes, garlic, marmite, chilis and spices. Could anyone suggest any meal ideas that don't involve any of...

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