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I have had irregular bowel movements (very loose) for a couple of months now (at least 2 or 3 times a day).  I have developed a pain in lower right hand side of body when I go. Anyone any...
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Is it true that most chinese young women in china are bisexual ? its sounds crazy i know - but a close friend told me. I am aware that they are very traditional in terms of relationships.
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Tomorrow is my first day back at work for ages- first day back in the classroom. I am dreading it. No let up now til Xmas. Please can you give me a nice thought that I can think about at some point in...
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well you see for the last two days i havnt been able to keep much down cant keep any dinner down. can only keep toast down i have some how managed to keep my lunch down biut its been hard my tummy...
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What exactly is your body's "metabolism"? How do you know is yours is too fast or too slow and is it dangerous to try and change this?
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Help... I bought a new rabbit today and she is gorgeous but she has no name. My rabbit (Dinky) just tried to bite her and she is so tiny. She is eight weeks old. They aren't in the same hutch. I have...
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I'm always reading that people should eat more fish to improve their health, eyesight, intellect etc.  I read all about fatty acids, omega this and that, GLA, DHA, EPA etc etc.  I live a...
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i'm looking to make a new york soundtrack on my mp3 player for while i'm over there, but i need some ideas.  what wud you put on it?
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i am a female working in an all male environment. we have recently moved to a new office where there is only 1 toilet. what is the law on this. does there have to be a seperate male and female toilet...
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My electric shower box is dripping cold water from under the unit when the shower is on. I phoned the shower people and they said I shouldn't use it as it is dangerous! However I don't want to smell...
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andy hughes
I've always seriously fancied Liz Hurley, so I watched 'Bedazzled' last night, and that's it - she occupies so much of the hard-drive of my brain that other onfo has had to be pushed out -...
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the last few days I've had really dry lips and I can't seem to make them better, I've tried various lipbalms and exfoliators, as well as vaseline and brushing them with a dry toothbrush but...
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I have recently become allergic to hair dye. My scalp explodes covering my head with blisters and scabs, wherever it touches my skin. I went to the doctors and he told me to use a vegetable dye and...
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I have an important thing on saturday afternoon, and although i want to have a good lunch beforehand, i just cannot afford to look bloated!   What can i eat for lunch that will fill me up but not...
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has anyone registered with a company and done mystery shopping or got paid for online surveys or "earned money from using your computer" opportunities- and would you recommend them?
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Do all teachers really start on ?19k, as the ad states?
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My son has started nursery two mornings a week (weds and fri 9-12pm).He stops crying very soon but stands by the emergency door saying "I want to go home" and "get out of...
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What is the strongest pain a human can feel? For instance, is being burnt more painful that a broken bone? Would being stabbed in the stomach be more painful than having your hand chopped off with an...
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Can anyone recommend a site for free download of music videos please?
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hi i am trying to make my own jewelry but cant find any decent craft shops in my area, i usually get things from ebay but i like to see what im buying as well so if anybody knows where i can get nice...

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