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What sort of quality recording can you get if you are taping from a VHS Player to a DVD Recorder via a SCART? Do you get "Ghosting" and wobbly colours that you used to on VHS to VHS copies ( via...
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When I was little, on hot days we would have boiled potatoes and salad for tea. The "salad" used to consist of a hard boiled egg and some lettuce cut up really small and sprinkled with sugar and...
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I would like to get a cat but my husband is allergic to them (the last time he was in contact with one would be at least 2 years ago).  Can you outgrow allergies?  He doesn't want to be...
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Brace yourselves.. This morning after I had been to the loo earlier I noticed a red, very thin worm waving around in the bowl. It was about 10cm long.Since I am the only person who had used the loo,...
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What's the sexiest thing you've ever seen that wasn't actually meant to be sexy? In other words, what has really turned you on for no obvious reason?
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Every single woman I meet, I will decide within about 7 seconds at most whether or not I find her attractive. Can I safely assume that most women who meet me will do the same? Interestingly, I'm...
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I have really bad hayfever and my nose is constantly blocked.  Any tips for clearing it?
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give me info on growing!!!!!!!!!! without using devices or pills im REALLY DESPERATE 4 ANSWERS soooooooooo help all u can!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanx
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Is there anyone here who can attest to the benefits (or otherwise) of magetic therapy?
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Why is it that when I arrive home with my girlfriend, my male neighbour will beam a smile aimed at my partner. My girlfriend happily smiles back and I do the same. If I arrive...
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Has something like this ever happened to anyone? I used to work with a girl who I really, really liked and fancied. She told me she felt the same, but, I was married. I resisted the temptation,...
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I am making some fudge tonight for my boyfriend, but I have never made it before.  I have a recipe, and it sounds like it may be a bit tricky.  Has anyone else made fudge - is it easy...
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Hi, I was just wondering if anyone else has been in this situation, which im sure you have. I was best mates with a boy, we became really good mates in school, and he was always there for me, but i...
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As you all probably know im now a jobless bum (been made redundant) so I'm searching the job centre, job pages etc for another. However i'ts got me thinking on the type of job I REALLY want. The job...
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Please help im 16 and just left school and really am undecided as to where to study next year? At 6th form I will have all my friends and its closer and they really do push you to work harder but I...
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My sister has been with a horrible man for 14 years. He is a horrible bully. Lately she has started listening to modern rock music (she is 36) and wearing make up (she doesn't normally) and making a...
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Hi I'm on a wheat free diet and I just wondered if anyone had any nice recipes I could make?  I'm getting sick of salads and jacket potatos...
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Please help.. I have a 27 year old son who still lives at home.  He has had some drug problems in the past but claims that he has kicked the habit.  He has been to a drug rehab at a local...
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Is it possible to "buy" a song in could i buy somebodys song after the copywrite runs out ?
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I've just had to read a 25 page document entitled Corporate Growth & Srategy - The Role & Importance of Credit Insurance in Credit Management by the Credit Management Research Centre....

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