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I have a hard drive (USB3) with a lot of important stuff on. It contains files directly transferred from a broken USB2 hard drive which was failing. Now when I plug the new usb3 drive into my old PC...
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I've needed to wee about 50 times in the last 2 days; is the sudden colder weather anything to do with it? How about you?
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I need to find some good songs from the 40s for a show. I already have the obvious Apple Tree/White Cliffs of Dover/ Choo Choo Cha Boogie/ Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy, We'll Meet Again, and wondered if...
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My old XP needs to go in the bin but for now I have to work with it. AOL loads up okay but if I try and open Firefox or even Chrome the page just doesn't load up. No error message, just the address in...
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My XP is stuck. Mouse won't move. Control alt delete doesn't work. Have trued window button - nothing. Have also tried F4... If I shut it down manually it will go blue screen.. Really want to avoid...
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For Sqad but also anyone else with experience of this! My right ankle feels "out of joint" most of the time. If I stand on it, it really hurts and feels "wrong". If I flick my ankle in sharp circular...
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Following on from my last post- I'm still in agony with my back; this is day 4 and still no better. Fairly sure it's facet joints. Straightening up is so painful as is sitting. Only lying down...
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Yesterday I had to sit for longer than I can with my bad back (facet joint inflamation and slipped discs). Today I am in absolute agony. Lying down doesn't hurt but I can't move- stand, or sit. It's...
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Sqad - I know you say diets don't work but my problem is that I cannot exercise much even walking is not easy. (I have severe OA both knees and AF - I am 85. ) I thought losing a bit of weight would...
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I have a song which is in my music on my iPhone 5. I have synched the phone with iTunes, but one song remains which I can't remove. the swipe delete isn't an option, rather there is 3 red dots next to...
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I've bought a load of these and can't think what to make with them! I am also avoiding carbs (bread/pasta/rice/potatoes) so would be very grateful for any ideas!...
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My friend wants to move to my town as he has been made homeless. He had a flat, but his landlord decided to sell. He couldn't find another one, so plans to move down here as his sister lives here. He...
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kia cat
Have a patch of very dry skin on my foot. GP suggested I soak it in salt water. Does it matter what type of salt and how much to the pint of water Thanks Kia...
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Don't feel it warrants a doc appointment tried sudcreme etc but won't heal up? Any advice? Thanks ali...
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granny grump
I have just received a letter from N-power saying that they are rolling out the installation of smart meters. I have read some very negative articles and they all say that they offer no benefit or...
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I need to find something that PSP stands for, which can be a made up company or charity, or something that sounds formal. It's for a comedy sketch where someone sees PSP on a t-shirt (which actually...
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I'm 22 yo w. 2 years ago I had a crush on this guy at uni, we would sit next to each other in lectures and talk, he would literally run after to me to walk with me a bit on my way home but we never...
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My friend messaged me this morning completely shocked that when she lifted up her hair at the side, she has a large bald patch. She is, understandable, distraught. She has been suffering from anxiety,...
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For months now I have had a ridiculous cough. It starts as an intense itch in my throat/voice box and it's so strong that my eyes water and I have to cough/retch violently to 'scratch' it which makes...
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My mum has had a stomach bug since Friday - this is the 6th day. I thought she was getting better but today she had huge sickness and diarrhoea accident. She's 78 and traveling in her camper van far...

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