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Is there a singing voice between alto and tenor, and if so what is it called?
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Hi there I had lunch today with my brother his wife and 3 children. It was great. After lunch my little nephew who is only 6 took me to one side and asked why I had a can of diet pepsi at lunch. I...
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for your health and well being. I was bought one for Xmas, anybody worn or had one?...
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Last night my best friend- who lives a few hours away- spent 2 hours having a go at me via messaging. She suffers from depression. We have managed to remain friends and work together on creative...
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A raw throat, coughing, and aches and a headache, are the symptoms. Not to mention the nose running like a tap.
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For some reason I cannot seem to get onto Google or any other site as I just get an error message saying the connection is untrusted and something about a certificate. I have run the adware remover...
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Here's a question for Sqad but also anyone else. For 5 years I've had tingling and numbness in the soles of my feet- constantly and equally. It is very painful to stand and walk. I also have arthritis...
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I have a friend who is now in her early 50s. I've known her a long time. She is a fairly difficult person to talk to, as she can suddenly go very quiet and appear to 'switch off' but lately she has...
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I have been looking in to some more adjustments to help me at home pending going back to OT which I just don't seem to be getting anywhere with at the moment (physio trying to sort it). I have found...
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I have to screen a video in a small lecture theatre next week. It have the video as an avi file which is 25GB. It plays on my PC via the VLC player. I have been advised to download the VLC player to...
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My flat seems too hot at the moment; I have the thermostat on 20 and the heating on all day. I thought that this would mean that the radiators would be lukewarm and only come on when it gets cold -...
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I've now suffered memory foam/latex foam/ normal foam for several years and have reached the conclusion that I make a hole in each one where I sit/sleep which never properly returns to normal. I think...
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i badly twisted my ankle last sunday no bones broken after xrays,what i was wondering is how long is the swelling likely to last ?it's still very painful and i can't move it up and down ,i can stand...
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For days now my TV has had static? on it- first on BBC programmes and now on all channels. The picture pixellates, breaks up into lots of geometric shapes.The sound is crackly and starts and stops but...
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Hi all I've been really stressed out lately and completely lost my appetite. I've not eaten for 5 days! I've been living on coffee and cigarettes. I just don't feel hungry and the though of food makes...
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I need a bit of help. I need to arrange the setting up of a website for our family business. We don't want an elaborate one, just some contact info and a bit about what we do. We do however need to...
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does anybody on here follow a gluten free diet. What were your reasons and do you feel better for it. TIA xx
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does anyone know of any help for tinnitus. I have it from when I wake up to when I go to sleep, it's a very, very loud whistle and mainly in the left ear.
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I have huge hair knots and school is six days away. Please tell me any products or secrets there are to help... I tried EVERYTHING
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Why do I get hiccups when I eat certain foods. Always with toast or a sandwich or a scone, it gets on my nerves.x

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