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Hi, Are there are any medications available on prescription for acid reflux stronger than omeprazole or lanzoprazole or what is the highest dose they can be taken as?...
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fed up another awful week ahead; waiting for letter from landlord debts etc trouble over bedroom tax. and then week monday dreaded bank holiday oh dear
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I have an iPhone 3 and use The iCloud to save things. However, is there any way of saving my messages (texts)? Also the iCloud won't save my notes or mail without me setting up some new email...
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I need to buy an external hard drive, and see that you can now get ones with USB3. I have a normal Windows XP PC, with a firewire connector for video footage. Other than that I think I just have...
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I have had some acupuncture lately and the physio has been putting the needles in manually- ie not tapping the needle, but putting it in. It's quite painful this way and I wondered if anyone else had...
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Hi there I was lying in bed and I was sleeping and I woke up choking with all this acid coming up into my throat and chest I got up and took gaviscon, milk and omeprazole but my throat and chest feels...
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Each time I eat chips it feels like one is stuck in my throat. When I swallow, I get a sharp sensation in my throat, but it's only painful when I swallow. Could it be that a sharp chip (I eat them...
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I use AOL 9 software on my PC. I set up my main + 6 other screen names years ago. I have just realised that I can't send email to those screen names, or send email from them, although I can sign into...
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When someone searches my name in YouTube, my channel overview pops up. Great. But it displays an old description which has since been updated. I updated it a long time ago. Why is it still showing my...
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For months and months now ive been having real problems with a lack of saliva in my mouth, normally starting when I wake up in the middle of the night. There is literally no moisture in my mouth at...
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I once had a book about remarkable and loyal pets doing amazing things for their owners. It had 'parrot' in the title and was a series of true stories. I would love to find it again but have no idea...
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I have Windows XP and I use AOL 9 software for my email. I'm not with them anymore, I just use the software. However whenever my PC starts up, AOL starts up without me asking, and then breaks, then...
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I want to add text to photos, and be able to change the warp, perspective and rotate etc. I use Picasa but it doesn't do those things. I have photoshop but it's just too complicated for me! I believe...
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Lately I've felt like I need to pee a lot, but very little comes out. The sensation is always there. It doesn't feel like cystitis as there is no burning or pain. Could anything else be causing this...
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I wondered if anyone else has found they need the loo more in this cold/snowy weather. I've been weeing for England today even though I haven't drunk that much. Is this a well known phenomenon, or...
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The plug sockets have stopped working in my house (everything else fine) and the trip switch is down. When I put it back up, it trips again. Any idea what the problem is?
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Figured I see if anyone has any. I get general stiffness with arthritis but lower back wise isn't in the arthritis zone though I have had SI joint problems before. I've been trying different ways of...
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I have a new slow cooker and have not used them before. Does anyone know of a simple recipe I can try which involves slow cooking meat (perhaps turkey?) and veg, to make a sort of stew?! I'd be very...
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The oven doesn't seem to be getting very hot. Food takes ages to cook. Any ideas what may have gone wrong? It was fine two days ago but has suddenly gone really weedy!...

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