Going for a numeracey, spelling and one of those psycology type tests tomorrow for a job. Any ideas what I can expect? Passed the data entry one. Just a part time job to fit in with my children...
Can anyone please help? I have been trying to trace a long lost love who i lost contact with in 2003. I have had no luck finding him at all, and now I've heard that he died in 2007-although there's...
I have a circular glass top picnic table that has rusted beyond recovery. Any ideas on how/where I could use the perfect 1m diameter glass top instead of taking it to the tip with the rusty frame?
its very sad today cos a friend of mine has had her 8 and a half year old cat run over in the early hours of today, it seems unbelievable because her other cat aged nearly 3 got run over on Saturday...
an episode involving turmoil excitement of confusion ?r???a?a distorted facts ???r?p?r?e? more desirable p?e?e?a?l? action taken by just one person ????a?e?a?
The Queen sends messages of congratulations for Diamond (60th), 65th and Platinum (70th) wedding anniversaries and every year thereafter. She also arranges messages for 100th, 105th birthdays and...
this phillipino chick I am banging has a really dry vagina when we have sex. I tried all sorts to make her horny but she still doesnt get wet. to add to it she is very small as well. its actually the...
If anyone remembers this film, I would be grateful if they could explain it to me. It was the most menacing and high tension film I have ever seen. Scary. This enormous black truck type vehicle, with...
Does anyone have a pattern for cotton knitted baby shoes please? I think that they are called lucy shoes with a little bar across the front and fastened with a button. If not does anyone know of a...
Please read the answers in Crossword category, to the four separate questions you have posted. If you look at the second one, I have explained how to post your questions, which will get you quicker...
just a quick update on my friend's step daughter - the brain tumour was malignant - she wil have to have some radiotherapy because even though they took the main body of the tumour out, some bits were...
Hey all, Just looking to see if anyone can give some advice really! We thought we had a problem with Cleo going under our garden fence, as she fits through the holes that Ashke digs. However this...
I burnt my finger last week (on a hot plate) and the blister has now popped. It is looking very red and it's very sore! I am worried about scarring etc, I have been putting hand cream on but just...
Our Great Grandaughter Rose(and husband Frank) have just given us a Gt Gt Grandson. Robert Alec Francis Born 6.20.am this morning. Weighed 7lbs 4ozs. I think I got the Great right(it's confusing) he...
My husbands mother recently died and we now look after his father who has dementia. He has 2 older siblings of one who lives in Devon and the other one has not been to see his father for some years....
does anyone know how to stop my grass dying where my dog uses it for a toilet(apart from the obvious...keep her off!) She is usually pretty good and waits but sometimes she has these little accidents...