23d S________t? ( excel that) 10 S?????????t 28a no breaks, you hear, just move on swiftly...(10)?????e?a?? 18a... pressed as they may be with such issues that dont reach the public at... ...
3d there are raisins for everything and currents for a cake ,syllogistic reasoning(5)???i? 7d with neither counternance nor expression, its nondescript(8)???e???s
1d seems like the deer badgers the deer hunters (10)???g?o??? 15a from tabloid to broadsheet it goes to press.. as the same one compressed(4)??d? 27a climatic occasion of last year.. only fit for a... ...
5d a resort, from the irish of old dublin, to england on the irish sea coast(9)?l?????o? 28a gotta be bizarre if Northern Irelandhas tol Unionism to reform?(10)???l?n???? 24d in for a kill... when... ...
13a ... and up to the neck isnt each one pressed to pine?(4)?r?? 5d on and off, if not off and on..erratic(4-5)?t??-???r? 11a .. the fiddling of runy Roman Emperor to a state of ruin(6)??n?r?
23d ... that one that has it all that one leaves... in a manner of speaking(6)e?t?t? 20a final test mandating a mouthful of mumbo jumbo?o, relax, Master of Arts in distress(4,4)?r?l,??a? 25a got... ...
1d isnt such a self-satisfied sofa loafer, or couch potato, planted for life... for the easy life?(5,5)?o???,??t?? 2d see man , seaman their great source of oil youll plunder no... ...
17d follower of the christian faith.. sounds like this one goes by the way(9)???????r? 18a eventually. let death float furtively then(2,3,3,2,2,3)??,??,??d,??,?t,?l? 7d with a wiggle of toes, that... ...
23d Musk messages with X know -how.. only for the birds now..(6)t?e??? 28a how one invents something silly- like walter mitty- id put as rapid eye movement sleepily(6,2,2)???a?s it up 29a so is the... ...
29a Sois the tattered North without end(4)??r? 28a how one invents something silly- like Walter Mitty- id put as Rapid Eye Movement sleepily(6,2,2)?a?a??, it , up17d mind bogglingly, Santa fits for... ...
Thanks for previous answers .a few to finish off 23d keith wanders around (7)a?d???s 104d crusaders legendry first five - eighth(6)???t?r 107d frank bruno undefeated hides person, place or... ...
83a kingdom all- star lined out for nemo rangers(5,3)t????,??e 85d capped pat lam(5)????a 90d kilkenny full forward dubs manager(9)??f???n?? 112a .has he transformed 37d (4,5)???a?,e?e?? ( 37d... ...
Award for winning concealed by game Dalglish won(5)?e?al 40d united brother before former everton goalkeeper(7)???il? e 60d derby co . footballers in los angeles(4)r??s 101d club for keith... ...