Trumpto, Chigley & Cambellwickgreen [sorry if I've mis-spelt those] were all neighbours to one another if I remember right. But was one a town & aimed at older children with another being a village...
I know the first wedding anniversary is paper, but can anyone tell me what the second is, as mine is coming up soon, and I'd like to buy an appropriate gift.
I know that the way we understand physics is all well and good, but is it possible that there may be a fundimental flaw in the laws of phsics on a universally-glactic scale? I am sure that I saw...
Can someone please tell me if there is a chemical to kill leather jackets in lawns. I have asked numerous garden centres but have been told that all products have been withdrawn from the market.
I was watching a programme on the Discovery Channel today about childrens' beauty pageants (eurghh) and one of the kids' mothers said that she had had hair extensions and a flipper fitted for her...
Hi, I am currently writing an investigation as a part of my A-level course - and i need as much information from the general public as possible. Anyone reading this please could they answer the...
have no idea where to post this so here it goes! I used to have the same advent calendar every year. It was a father xmas with string you pulled and his legs went up. You got little plastic toys...
Every so often I use the Woolwich Ferry. There are three boats, the Ernest Bevan, the John Burns and the James Newman. I know who Ernest Bevan is, but who are/were the other two?
I'm not a big reader of books, but I've heard so many people say 'The film wasn't as good as the book'. Is this some kind of mass snobbery (not that I'm saying that there's anything wrong with reading...