I was reading this earlier and despite the headline (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2439231/Maidstone-family-6-living-tent-refused-council-house-wont-pets.html), it seems they are all...
Our chimney sweep has advised that we check the moisture content of the wood we put on the fire. I've bought a meter and have checked a few of the logs we have for the winter, with most of them being...
Water at 60°F is pumped from a reservoir to the top of a mountain through a 6-in schedule 120 pipe at an average velocity of 12 ft/s. The pipe discharges into the atmosphere at a level of 3000 ft...
Is it me, am I the only one? Had the flu jab 8 days ago and have felt like rat poo ever since! Not the first time I've had the annual jab, 3rd in fact, but it's the first time I have wished I'd not...
Tomorrow I'm going to view two bitch (female) dachshunds, with the intention of purchasing one to bring home mid-November. I'd really like a name which is cute, but also plays on her being a "sausage"...
Leaving greenhouse gases out of the equation, would the general human industrialisation be significant enough to have any effect on global temperatures - 7 billion people, countless animals, a billion...
I went to warwick uni, and after many years decided to get rid of all my books and notes etc yesterday at the dump, so off I went, chucked it all in the recycling bit, job done. Later in the...
I guess the memories of being bullied as a kid never leave. when I was 11/12 there was a girl in the 5th form that lived not far from us and for some reason she started calling me names in school if...
Whilst his final resting place is still a hotly debated topic and as yet undecided, Leicester Cathedral have submitted thier plans, should their bid be successful....
Right, bit long winded. My youngest children get dressed in the same room (boy 9, girl 7, boy and girl 5) which I thought was ok (they are not street wise). Today youngest boy had speech therapy and...