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Anyone see dispatches last night? Now I know all the islamophiles will be seething but it was a serious report about how the IFE have pretty well turned Tower Hamlets into a Islamic dictatorship. It...
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MI5 have removed a thread I was on here yesterday. I never criticised them or anything, will I be on their database? I'm not paranoid, but should I change my username to avoid them identifying me in...
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http://www.dailymail....-case-paedophile.html The security guard doubted that Mr Geraghty-Shewan, was the child's father?????? Well if he wasn't wouldn't it have been more of a concern that this 4...
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I was wondering if anyone had any experience (anonymous of course) or knew anyone who worked for this Secret Service? I have always wanted to join. Couldn't years ago because I was a teenage single...
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Yesterday I ate: 2 tuna mayonaise sandwiches 1 orange 1 pear 2 qiwi fruit 3 prawn wantons with broccollii and soup Today I had: Mashed potatoe wirth salmon and mayonaise 1 orange 1 pear 2 qiwi fruit 3...
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A young mum was thrown off a bus by the driver for breastfeeding her 6 week old infant. It was done at the behest of a complaining passenger. This is in contravention of well documented and widely...
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Again and again we hear of the failure of our Social Services I sometimes wonder if the do-gooders are running this country. They accept the word of the parents that everything is fine. What is it,...
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anotheoldgit This is Apartheid in 2010 Britain. Would Whites only, Blacks only, Roman Catholics only swimming sessions, be allowed? I wonder if only Muslim female...
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anotheoldgit What would be an appropriate sentence for this sneering yob?...
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http://www.dailymail....n-boost-Brussels.html Given the present financial state of most small companies, will they now be able to afford to employ women of child bearing age?...
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With the news that 700 Georgian troops are to be sent to Afghanistan is this a last desperate attempt to find a victory in Afghanistan and for Georgia to find a friend in N.A.T.O? Away to Portugal to...
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Wise? Foolish? Sincere? Misguided? Pointless? Publicity Stunt?
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I wonder if any of the couples chosen, are still going out >
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One for AOG: // A doctor accused of failing to spot that Baby P was being abused fled the country this morning ahead of a hearing where she is charged with misconduct. Rebecca Poulet, QC, prosecuting...
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Is it me or is this the most undignified thing in the history of womanhood?
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I am so anxious for my sister in law. She is pregnant - overdue by 11 days, first baby, went into hospital yesterday afternoon, texted me this morning - 7.15 to say that she is 1cm diluted and wants...
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Did anyone see the programme last night on the teaching of maths in schools. The test put to the teachers looked quite easy, but only one out of about 150 got them all right, and most of them got only...
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Don't know if anyone's posted about this programme before but it is brilliant. You can watch it on Channel 4 Catch Up, last episode on next week, 4 episodes in total. As well as being an eye-opener on...
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...wait til she comes here. She is in for a shock She also says about Australia "Sadly, the land of opportunity is no more applicable, blaming high...
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anotheoldgit Immigration Minister Phil Woolas says: /// "The simple act of taking one’s turn is one of the things that holds our country together. It is...

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