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Just got through reading this article in "The Independent." http://www.independen...tremists-1810447.html It seems that all fundamentalist sects of whatever religious flavour are, at their...
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Should the question be science or belief? http://www.theanswerb...y/Question822670.html If you disagree with some of the arguments stated please add your comments....
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About 2 months ago, a friend had mentioned that whilst in the Supermarket he leaned his arm across a woman's shopping trolley to grab a bag for the purpose of putting some fruit in. The Woman remarked...
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Just a little exercise for believers and athiests. If you had to pick the one main reason why you do or don't believe in god(s) what would it be? I'm actually going to cop out cause im still trying to...
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We all have differing beliefs on what happens after we die, heaven/hell, reincarnation etc. However if someone was to say to you that when you die, that's it, no more thoughts, nothing, would you find...
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I\'m having man trouble as always.... So, as old habits die hard, I have returned to AB for some much needed, but probably much ignored advice! There is a guy I like and we have been friends for a...
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While in town the other day I was walking through the shopping centre and as I went through a swing door I stopped and held the door open for a young woman behind me . To my amazement she stopped dead...
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my girlfriend is way 2 dirty. she wants to invite dwarfs, old ladies, old men, ugly people, simple people and bad dressers into our bedroom. after 1 night with two real clowns who she bounced on non...
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Do you ever sit back and think how much our culture has changed in only generation? My mum grew up in several rural communities in the 1950s. She recounts stories of one boy being kicked repeatedly up...
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HI, I was feeling 'on top of the world' last week, but this week (since Saturday), i feel soo depressed. I went for a smear test on MOnday and the doc couldn't do it as it hurt so much. I've got to go...
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Say when an athiest dies and it turns out he was wrong in his assumption and there actually is a heaven, assuming he's been a good guy all his days, can he get into heaven or is he automatically...
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Hugh Spencer
Last night , before going to bed, I put my Lifeline pendant on the bedside cabinet and this morning, putting it on, found that it had been tied into a loose knot. I have had table lamps switch on on...
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If someone does a run for charity, say for example the length of the country, and they pick up money from people along the way. Is it the correct thing to do to use that money for your accommodation...
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(don't forget I'm 5 hours behind you guys) and it appears that Jack and Jill Frost were out painting the town white overnight. What's all this poppycock about global warming? The normal high for this...
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Did you see the three leopards eating the ostrich alive last night ? How cool was that !!!
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Mr Veritas
Hello there, I have posted a rely to your 2nd Sept question,but as it's so far back now(and we don't seem to get email notifications of answers any more)and as you might not see it there, I thought I...
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here this weekend, so I'm orf to the pub to start thanking......cheers.
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I've just been to a prostitute,and was not happy with her services,I asked her for my money back,and she refused,can I take her to the small claims court? I paid by cash,but got no receipt!...
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...Psychodynamic and psychoanalytic? I'm at college (mature student) and have been trying to get my head around these terms for a couple of weeks but I just don't get it! If anyone can give me simple...
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i want to kill myself in my sleep, how can i do this tonight

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