What do you think of the way the News Of The World entraps celebrities, such as snooker's John Higgins and now the Duchess Of York? Do you think it's unfair, or do you think these celebs are fair game...
I am running IE with Outlook Express 6 for emails, I have just found out that I have been sent some very important emails that I have never read because for some reason they have been put in the...
It only seemsto be in the last day or so and only seems to be in AB but I keep on getting a message appear that says someting like A Script running is slowing down your computer do you wish to...
to start off with a daft 'truth', i know 2 people who believe chives are the tops of spring onions and argued about it...despite being show a packet of chives... i have heard a number people add an M...
I registered using one email address and now I want to use another instead. But when I go to edit my profile, even though the email address fields in the user profile are editable text boxes, changing...
Just in case they are still about I would like to say a very big thank you to both Chuckfickens and Another-view for coming to the rescue, My laptop seemed to get infected by a virus this morning and...
Some very good friends of mine will be taking their caravan for a weekend break to the Huntingdon/St.Ives area of Cambridgeshire this coming weekend, as they only use the caravan for somewhere to...
Once again Answerbank have come up with a lovely logo to suit the occasion, this one being Easter chicks & eggs, if this is so easy to do why then can't we have our own individual avatars as was...
Skoda assistance say, "cannot recover as vehicle is drivable" I say, drivers door will not open as glass is in the way, also how do I drive in pi55ing rain with no window. Result. Recovery...
I am running IE and after logging on this morning I noticed that a part of my tool bar was missing its the part that has "File Edit View Favorites Tools Help" which I use quite a bit, how...
Occasionally, I will be making the trip by road from Dover to Scunthorpe. The area just north of Cambridge (M11 / A14 junction around Bar Hill) is an ideal half-way point to stop for lunch. Does...
Can anyone tell me if you are allowed to drive a car on the road if you purchase a tax disc on line but it has not arrived yet?
(Bleeding DVLA are on strike today so I can't ask them!!)...
Further attacks on the social lepers, or sensible measures? I must admit I do feel sorry for the kids I see in the backs of cars, in a safety seat of course, gasping for breath, getting gassed by...
I have this DVD copy program and have used it successfully for straight one to one copies but what I would like to do is copy short bits from various DVDs and put them on to one new disc, I know you...
A friend of mine (who is not technically minded) owns a small local pub that has attracted quite a few business people at lunchtimes, a few of them have suggested that he installs a free WiFi system....
Now there's a surprise ! :o) I'm not up for long. Just got up to take a couple of painkillers. It's raining here in Blackpool. Hoping to have a quiet day at home, so I'll catch you all...
I posted on here about 4 weeks ago that a friend of mine had made a web site for our local pub and how could she get it listed on search engines, well yesterday it appeared on Google but it was listed...