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Good morning all, I'm ready and waiting to flex my brain [what there is of it ] and do all the necessary sums and come up the answers for this weekend's round of the contest. I sincerely hope I'll be...
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To those ABers who are celebrating today , have a good one :-) xxxxxx
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Must be broken. What do you think then?
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Anyone watched it yet? Just downloading it for my other half......he says it looks brill...what do you think? If it's poop I can tell him there was an
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Good Morning AB-Linkers from Queen Meg! I trust that you'll are well and your weather isn't too extreme. I am thinking particular of the Ont-ices in their Canadian snow drifts and seekeerz with her...
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Good morning everyone, I hope we're all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, etc for this morning's attempt on the links for this weekend. Given that a number of people were making haggis and/or practising...
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We are now approaching Week 4 in the reign of Queen Meg and, with the extra weekend this month, there are still several entrants who could win the glory. Recall that this game has been on-going for...
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just home from a burns supper a good time was had by all am i the only one who doesnt understand most of his poetry
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Early start.....and I am already past so goodnight to Icey...wherever she has disappeared to...and leggy,,,and anyone else still up. xxxxxx
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Just in case you want to check, it's at zles/Question693103.html
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Im a BusyBee
Im sooo worried cos ive booked my little dog in to be castrated tomorrow. I want him done but dread the thought of him going and being aneasthetised (im sure i didnt spell that correctly sorry). I...
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We have blizzard conditions up here on the Wirral. anywere else having them
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70a remote-handling devise - i have ??i?o 201a spartan solider - i have (i think) ?o?lit? many thanks
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All ready and waiting for the early riser to post this mornings matches, then I can get busy and see if I can add up straight The house is in a mild state of uproar at the moment with the new addition...
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i can't remember it ......totally devoid of humour .
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Hormonal, upset, angry, sad, depressed, confused, pitiful!!! Ok I admit the first one pretty much covers it all lol but I am feeling in a right f*cked off tearful mood :o( I've just spend the day with...
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I wonder where Steph got her nice red floral blouse? Anyone recognise it?
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1)what is your natural hair colour 2)for the girls-jeans or skirts 3)for the guys-shirts or polo's/ t's 4)how many telly's do you have 5)how many hours in front of the telly per day 6)how old were you...
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This third week in the reign of Queen Meg saw yet another perfect launch. I am starting to believe that she is an IT specialist in her spare time and designs websites! This week, she chose the theme...
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who wrote what 6 j l cc f t d 10 sr w m c 17 a b s k these are all authors and their books thanks for any help

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