I'm glad you're finding that too, I'm trying to put in what little I know before the fun starts and things won't go !! for instance where do I put Noel Coward ? ps what on earth are you doing awake...
people telling you they have millions of pounds but need to trust you and put it in your account ? Do you know anyone who as replied ? Or have you had people send you strange requests ? I had an emai...
This is a cyber get well message to bobtheturkey who is in hospital after a car crash but is doing fine and managing to irritate the nurses to a satisfactory degree. get back soon Roberto, dotty :)...
My wife has a pony with a sore on its chest which is not healing and which attracts flies. The vet has seen it twice and does not seem concerned. Anything she has tried putting on will not stay on....
I posted earlier asking about smallish dogs and their personality traits. I think I have now been convinced to rescue a greyhound! They sound so lovely natured. Although they are fairly tall and not...
Thank you to everyone who went out of their way to make me feel better. earthakitten, gen2, ageingfast, Corbyloon, seekeerz, pquinklan,Kayakamina, alibobs and shaneystar (and of course shaney what a...
I am always grateful for any help received and I try not to abuse what is a very helpful site. Most ABs share their knowledge freely - you know who you are - and this is much appreciated and I always...
Since ive been on this site, ive noticed a number of familiar names - almost everyday... How do u get so much time to spend online??? My excuse is my job's boring and there's nothing else for me to...
why is pubic hair so thick and curly when the hair on your head is soft and straight ,also why dosn't a man go bald down there when they lose the hair on their head ?just wondering, another one of...
Just a clue or two please - 40A A garden party - as Watteau painted [4,9] 7D Philosophical theory about the make-up of mind and matter [7,6] I have the distinct feeling that I've no idea where I'm...