I don't wanna rock the boat too much, and this may have been already said, but is the adverts section really needed? Commercial breaks and beats seems to have it all covered... Couldn't non-music...
Is it my imagination or have i finally found something worth living for...no only kidding, does it seem to everyone else that The Answerbank is losing/lost it's cutting edge? It is no longer the...
On crackerjack stu had a few catchphrases like oooh i could crush a grape, i could jump over a dolls house, i could rip a tissue, i could wrestle an action-man. any ideas of the others. many thanks
Feel free to correct me if my basic understanding of the universe doesn't match current theories. If time is a dimension that can be travelled through, then how come no alien forms from the future...
What does it mean to be a 'regular' on this site. Does it mean to read stuff daily or post stuff weekly or what? is it someone who has posted more than five times or something? This is madness I tell...
How do I get rid of felt tip off the walls?my children have drawn on the walls and I've tried painting over it but you can still see what else can I do? Please help as my walls look a mess
There's a claim that an amazing piece of footage showing the Apollo 11 moonlanding has been shot in a studio (http://moontruth.com).
What do you think?
Do any members with psychic abilities fancy giving us a heads up for the winner of tommorrow's match? I've got a mate here who reckons that Liverpool will pinch it.
Whats the name of the song released 7th feb 1976 chart no 60 for i week,by a group called either america or americas i think its of an album called history, if anyone knows the song & wher i can get...
My wife and I bought a new PC last year. We registered it in joint names...then we split up! Every time I open a word document it comes up with the message 'registered to Mr & Mrs.....'.How can I...
I want to plug my stereo speakers into my tv/video/dvd package but the speakers are just the fidgety wire thingies that plug into a red & black clip thingy and i need to plug each one into a proper...
Since there have been so many 'what's your favourite....' and 'top ten....' questions in the music section recently, thought I'd try What's your favourite book of all time...? with reasons please -...