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My Mrs is away out shopping, I'm doing the Washing, the housework, and am going to settle down and watch my fave film, which happens to be Moulin Rouge. Should i be worried????
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I ordered 7massive packs of asda choccy buttons and they sent me 6 miniscule packs of cadburys buttons instead,  how on earth will they last me all week?
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I reckon Ed has flipped, he's just saying the first thing that comes into his head now!!!  Er, hi  Ed x x x
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I am very strongly in favour of the new statue on the fourth plinth, but mostly reaction on Answerbank has been negative. What do you think over here? thanks
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I've just found out that this is a fraud! The only ABers are you and me! The rest are just computer generated pseudo characters. I knew something was up...
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Who in your humble opinion, Is the sexiest ABer? Male and female please people.
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Inspired by Georgi managing to break someone's arm whilst taking a penalty (at football not Tae Kwon Do) I wondered who has managed to break bones on other people and how did you manage it? I broke my...
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what is everybody up to tonight?
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Can you all describe yourselves? Age, height, likes, dislikes etc etc?
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I've got Impetigo
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mr. piper
Well i was shocked at first to find a steering wheel in my boxers, it was ok initially but now it is Driving Me Nuts!!!!
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Years ago my mate used to use something to cure her headaches.  It was in a little metal round tin about the size of a 2p, and was called something like Tiger Eye or Tiger Balm or...
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On that new statue in Trafalgar Square.   thanks
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My one aim in life now is to write a question which doesn't have a [more].......
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Is it wrong to have polished off an entire potato salad at 10.30 in the morning?
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Derek Jamieson's son once threatened to punch me.   Your turn....
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Where are you going for you holiday, and how long for?
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<sound of breeze>
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who wants to see it
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Just got your post on my film question. Yes i have seen "City of God" Brilliant film!

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