There are 1000s of religions in the world, (every one of them the only true one) and no matter what nonsense they spout we are always being told how we should respect the views of their devotees and...
I find it hard to understand the attraction behind drugs, mabe as i've never taken tem myself.... but is it down to peer pressure that starts ppl off, or maybe a way to escape reality or problems, or...
There are various post argueing for theb legalisation of Drugs, some for the legalising all drugs. I am in a 'Safety critical job, where even a smidgen of the weakest drugs found in my bloodstream...
About a month ago i met a lovey guy in a club. We spent the night together, but not in a sleazy one night stand kind of way. Up until now he's been txt me saying how much he likes me and cant wait to...
hi guys was looking for help here. i am looking to buy one of these for my girl who is off to uni next month does anyone know where i can get one from the web/shops? (never used ebay so was just...
i am not into religion for so many reasons but the idea of heaven is probably up there as the stupidest for me. can anyone summarise from the bible what is heaven and why its so great?
Is it possible to believe in both Evolution and in God as well? Eg. Scientist have claimed that earth was formed from a big bang and humans evolued from other animals and they say the have evidence to...
scientists have recreated an out of body experience...does this mean there is no life after death, its just your brain playing tricks??
What are your views on marijuana usage? Do you find it acceptable? Do you use it yourself? What do you think of it compared to alcohol and its associated problems? What about punishments for use and...