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Right - long story short as it's been told before (except the last bit): Started seeing someone. He decided he didn't want a relationship just sex. Fine by me. Been meeting up every couple of weeks...
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Who is your ideal woman or man? If I chose someone famous, it would have to be Frank Lampard. Although I wouldn't mind someone with blond surf hair. Yeesh.
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does anyone ever have those days? not exactly a bad mood but more irritated by everyone speaking to you? grrr. everyone is winding me right up today
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Hello! I have a friend that I have known since we were very small, and we grew up very close, and still were until recently. She moved away and met a man, who she married in a quiet ceremony abroad....
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stoat the ba
and don't say there is no such thing as you feel happy about it.
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Just read a post asking why are there so many ' English ' people using this site ( which I thought was a bit obvious ) but it got me thinking. How many other Nationalities are alonside us ( the more...
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I'm planning on going to Oxford Street this Friday and I'm assuming all the big department stores would be open like a regular working day? Is this correct? Thank you!
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brad pitt or johnny depp? and why?
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A friend is getting some new pet goats and can't think of names. Come on punsters and comedians, I want some good names for them....
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whats your hair like? mines long, blonde & straight........
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I was thinking of selling some clothes on ebay, but what kind of pakaging would I put them in? I've got some tops that i want to sell so there not too big! Thanks
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opera winfre
watching a tv program on bbc1. its about a weird american family who are anti everything. anybody see this? its surreal.
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i need to buy a pavorotti outfit with fat belly .getting a mask is easy but where can i get a n outfit????
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aka pixi
Have you ever bought something from an antique/2nd hand shop then thought that this thing has either brought you bad luck or as a strange feeling about it? If you have, what did you do? Did you keep...
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Hi Does anyone here live happily (and I mean happily,not just putting up with her) with their mother-in-law. --James
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Have you ever thought you loved someone, only to have subsequent relationships and thought ' No, THIS is the real thing ' etc etc
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I've got an interview for a job on thursday and just wondered if anyone had any good tips or questions to ask? The job is Asst Retail Manager for a charity shop
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What type of top do you wear with shorts? (Thinking going clubbing rather than on a beach holiday!!) Any links to pictures would be good - only ones I can find are all holiday type shorts!!
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my maw is gon tae a waddin ower in canada in august. she is luckin fur a frock but husnay seen anyhin in the shops so for. any ideas-not too expensive. already tried the charity shops!
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I don't know if this is the right place for this question but here goes nothing......... Why do shops not sell 'odd' sizes? Why 10, 12, 14, 16 etc? Why not 9, 11, 13, 15 etc? If any one knows the...

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