I believe this is now available...I have Picasa 2 installed. When I click on Check for Updates Online it says the application is up-to-date. Why isn't P3 downloaded?
In the latest Sunday Times there's an article about a lady bee-keeper who shoots magpies. She says they are vermin. Is this woman allowed to kill these beautiful creatures?
Im told that the rules have changed recently - is it true that following a person being made bankrupt, creditors no longer have any claim on the bankrupts company pension?
Hung Chow calls into work and says, "Hey, I no come work today, I really sick. Got headache, stomach ache and legs hurt, I no come work." The boss says, "You know something, Hung Chow, I really need...
Why does the speed of transfer get progressively faster when importing tracks from a cd into iTtunes? It starts at about 7x and by the time it finishes it is up to 16x. Why can't it be 16x all the way...
Do cruise companies employ couples? - either married or just partners, or would a couple wanting to work on the same ship have to keep their relationship secret?
Why do airliners which are flying very high suddenly change direction, by anything up to 90 degrees? Surely in these days of satnav etc they can fly point to point without deviating too much?