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I have put a couple of my bigger items up for sale on that new website Shpock. I've noticed that 1 of my items has a couple of 'likes' just like on Facebook. I'm assuming as these people have not...
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Would like to re cover an old footstool but would like to jazz it up a but and have seen some crystal type nail buttons on eBay. How do you use these? Is it just a matter of pushing them in? (Can't...
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Andrea is off to start a new job in Jersey, wonder if her new employers know she is pregnant, won't go down well if she want to go on maternity leave so soon after joining....
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Was thinking of selling a couple of larger items on eBay but they are quite large/heavy (too big for RM) so was thinking of a Courier. However, I have looked into a few but they all mention printing...
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It was so nice to see pics of Decs wedding today, so refreshing that he didn't sell them to some high paying magazine. It was a lovely touch that his brother married them in his home town of...
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Did anyone watch Flockstars on ITV at 8.30 last night? What did you think? I enjoyed it, I much prefer to see dogs working than being pampered. The celebs did well to get the dogs to work for them...
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I have been looking into property crowd funding and a Company called PropertyPartner as they have a few houses in my area. I think everything looks ok but can't help feeling too nervous to make a...
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Still trying to do something with my garden, its ok but a bit boring. Bought today some pre cut shaped slabs which when put together form a very pretty flower bed. There are 9 stones in total (the...
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I'm a late starter to Casualty but I'm sure Robyn said that Max was her brother in one episode. Just wondered if I got that wrong as Max's Mum met him for lunch tonight but never mentioned asking...
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I'm not good at gardening but am looking for some privacy, already have a 6 ft Wooden fence but would like a few trees, plants or shrubs that grow higher than that quite quickly. It would be planted...
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I know i am turning into a fuddy duddy but I think Eastenders has been a bit gross lately. Last week they showed Stacey on the loo with her knickers round her ankles and then tonight we have the see...
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I really like this program, they do have some unusual things on there, but last night I was disgusted to see a freak two faced calf that had been still born, bought from the farmer for £500 and then...
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Saw in one of the Sunday mags pics of flooring that look 3D (Dolphins swimming in bathroom floor), they look fab! They are made of resin. Google 3D flooring for some great images. Does anyone have any...
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Did anyone watch this last night? What are your thoughts? Can't wait to see if it works....
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Does anyone know who's name Johnny Depp has tattood on his ring finger? Have tried Googling but can't find it, hopefully someone cleverer than me knows. Many thanks....
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So Shabnam has discovered she is pregnant after the one and only time she slept with Kush. She also fell pregnant after her one night stand with Dean. I know soap girls fall pregnant at the drop of a...
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Good to see Charley Webb being her usual cheery self last night! NOT! What is wrong with the girl? She comes across as miserable on every show she's on. Remember someone on here saying they worked on...
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Not too sure where to put this but here goes... I was sorting out my garage when I came across an old petrol can filled with petrol I used to use for my lawnmower. I no longer even have this mower so...
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I've been looking to buy one of those Scholl Pedi things to remove the hard skin on my feet but after reading up on it, it says it's not suitable for diabetics, Why's this does anyone know?...
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Friend is wallpapering, she's planning to put the paterned paper above the dado rail. I always put mine below. Is there a 'right' way to do it? Or is it just personal preference?...

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