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Could Pepsi had picked a slightly camper celeb then 'beckham' to whisper 'outside' on that ridiculous advert currently showing.... Maybe Dale Winton or - Julian Clary - My question is ----- Who would...
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just watched POPWORLD and can anyone direct me to that awful new single he has just released - must listen in full to asimulate in detail
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Can someone tell me why my colleague Keith always gets stuck in traffice yet i always get to work on time *ggl* thank you
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is there any software which can mix songs together, sort of like digital decks only not having to splash out ?200 on a pair of decks can anyone help?
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jonny mad
What numbers spell words in a mirror
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My girfriend thinks it is still ok for her to accept that she can stay at home do nothing but shop and clean and the 'man' should look after her - Her father brought her up with this value - how can i...
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What is the local term in your area for the annoying kids who hang around outside McDonalds, wearing massive hoop earrings, Kappa tracksuits and Reebok Classic trainers? In mine, they are pikeys, or...
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Does anyone know how I can contact old penpals and friends
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i've never bent myself laughing so much as i did, when i first seen the 'inner-self' danone activia advert... can someone please tell me where i can download a picture of the cheeky fella?
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Does anyone know where the music is from thats on the new o2 advert with the bubbles and the snake etc...

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