My mum (natch) makes fantastic chips and roast spuds in an oblong deep fat fryer. Clearly, I want to mimic her culinary success, but have never managed the chip thaaaing. Having bought an elementary...
What do you call the round hard boiled sweets which are red, yellow and green?They look like 'rhubarb and custard', but have couple of green stripes too!
I'm in a bit of a moral dilemma, my mum believes I should get married before having children, however nowadays more people seem to get married after having children which makes more financial sense to...
What do people think of British opening hours for pubs and bars? I get the impression that people rush their drinking which could encourage binge drinking, so my opinion is that later opening hours...
Just wondering what people think is a decent time to wait before sleeping with a guy? I have recently started seeing a guy and we have been fooling around. i know he wants to take it further but i am...
It now seems that the debate is about a total ban or a ban in places where food is sold. Personally I prefer the total ban as per Ireland, otherwise it's open to abuse, what do others think?
The advert that starts "Collect the soundtrack to your life" and is about something to do with getting free downloads from iTunes... what is the last song on the advert called and who is it by?
Can anyone tell me how to deal with hidden tracks when I upload from CD to itunes/ipod? I want to include the hidden track but theres a really long gap between the last song and the hidden one...
On a TV programme last night the presenter said that in the UK you are never further than 72 miles from the sea.Where is this place that is 72 miles from the sea and is there only one. Is this what...
hiya im 15 n i was just wondering if any of you have children my age would you let them go out wiv a boy who had turned 17 jus a couple of months ago? if not could you tell me y pls? and and can i...
We have two 18 month old house-rabbits who use their litter trays only less than 50% of the time, usually preferring the floor in our conservatory. They sometimes spend all day in the garden and wait...