20a Not the highest part of Range up in Scotland (4) a?t? 17d Manager hasn't got a copy (4) c?o? 24d At back of flat,sempstress finally makes uniform (5) evens? Thanks
Just watching Murphy v Yan, nail biting frame. *&^%ing morons with mobile phones, I'd take them out side and stamp on their phone and bar them for life, death's too good for them! Sorry, rant over!...
8 down flirt outrageously with Edward at first not much[6]
10 across german article about skating venue,s boozer[7]
6 down tweet;cold fruit,s about right[5]...
8 down servant threw away key,by the sound of it [6]
18 down fizzy beer cans at a discount [6]
24 across complain to volunteersabout energy drink [4,3]...
"On yer bike! ... I'm on it"
" He can strim my bush any day" So glad it's back on t.v, a love story and comedy rolled in to one. Love the tracks they throw in too. Yay! It's back!...
I hope everybody enjoyed this years final ! I was personally disappointed that Wolfson College didn't win, and even more disappointed that Emmanuel College wasn't in the final, with its Captain, the...