Please look at the link below and tell me which girl is more attractive and WHY? GIRL 1 or GIRL 2 Please be specific about why either girl is more attractive than the... engineering website forum today, talking to a guy about the advantages of 12mm 1.25 pitch bolt, to which he replied saying he needed information regarding the 8mm 1.5 pitch bolt. I was in the...
Dormitory — Dirty Room Evangelist — Evil's Agent Desperation — A Rope Ends It The Morse Code — Here Come Dots Slot Machines — Cash Lost in 'em Animosity — Is No Amity Mother-in-law —...
Hi everyone. I was not sure where to post this, so i thought i would put it in here as this seems to be a "general category?" My question is can anyone recommend a good hoover for pet hair?. I need a...
We have been told by a Muslim ABer that the people of Islam are coming to the west, not for a better life, but to show us ‘the way’. Most of the major problems the world is currently experiencing...
Why? Why does having your photograph taken make you feel like that -what do you think it is that makes you like that? I'm really intrigued especially as I find that people who dont want their...
My fathers day card from my son says on the front, For A Wise Dad, important lessons in life that you have taught me. Open the card and it says, RELIGION. ''You'd better pray that comes out of the...
Saturday and it's, raining hard. I shan't need to water the garden today. I won't be out very long either.
I hope it's better where you are. Have a happy day everyone....
Away from the music thread, I just want to say, I looked after my Mam as you know, I am on disability but was awarded a carers allowance as well to look after her even though I was considered unfit to... Whereas it was completely wrong...
I want to put some comfrey in my garden. I remember it being in my grandparents' garden and being used on bruises and sprains. Is it easy to grow? I was talking to my Dad about it earlier today and he...