I really want to go away somewhere in Europe for a few days. Where can I go? When should I go? I want to go sightseeing not clubbing or anything like that!!
I dont know whats wrong with my lap top, you computer may be at risk keeps popping up and then new windows with random webpages keep opening. It's driving me mad so I've stopped using it. Last night I...
I remember it came on TV in the 90's and Merlin was in it. Thats all I remember oh and he hides the moon in it or something like that. And there's a lady who's face is burned or something so all the...
My mum (who knows nothing about computers) bought a laptop from dell (with my dads money) and when she got it, it was rubbish as in it's really ridiculously slow. So she just left it lying around the...
Me and one of my friends (I'm a girl he's a he) we get on really well, we're always messing about and stuff, but people always assume there's something else going on between us. No-one says anything...
Why do guys like teasing me? They seem to enjoy P*****g me off! It's so irritating sometimes! And another thing my voice, they love making fun of my voice! It's not fault I've got a high voice!! I...
We dont normally eat mushrooms at home (mainly because nobody like them) but I decided to buy some that other day. But now I dont know what to do with them!!
Any ideas?
Has anyone got any simple recipes that I can use to make ANYTHING, I dont mind what I just feel like cooking! I think it's because I work all week and cooking relaxes me so it'll be good for the...
It's so sore because I scratch and its starts bleeding, then when I wash it, it stings like mad! I only scratch because it's so dry! What can I do?!?!?
at the start of the video the woman looks kinda plastic when she gets out of the car to some kind of spa place then at the end the guy comes and picks her up and she looks normal. It's a dance track...
Do guys like long nails on women not those fake ones but natural? My hands are small(ish) so I grow my nails, they make my fingers look longer and it just makes me feel better.
Do cats normally eat bones? I give them some meat while im eating. Before they used to leave the bones all over the place but now They eat them and you can hear the crunching - eww