Hi there I was looking for a little info in regards to school uniform. Can schools dictate what colour of trousers kids wear at school. My kids school uniform consist of polo shirt and jumper with...
Can an Employer enforce a thumb print Clock-in and Clock-out system? I've never heard of a thumb Print kind in workplace only ever cards to swipe. Thanks in Advance guys
What do you think of marriage is it a waste of time and money when the two people are totally committed anyway. Do they really need to be man and wife?
How do you know if someone is depressed. My sister is a little down in the dumps as i call it. She said she feels like crying all the time and thinks its just the stress with her mother in law taking...
Is it possible for a 2yrs 6mnths child to have an invisable friend? My daughter keeps talking about someone called George. We don't know anyone called George so don't know were its come from. She said...
Does any one no what the song was at the start of American Pie The Wedding and who sang it.Picked my brains but can't remember. This bed is on fire with passions of love is the start of it i...
Hi there to everyone! I am looking for someone to watch my little girl she is 2yrs 8mnths.I have no family to watch her and both of us work. Any ideas how i go about gettin a child minder or nanny....