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What are animals that beggin with the letter W.
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I've noticed blood near both of my hamsters anus' lately and am puzzled as to the cause. They are both active and eating with normal stools. Can you help me figure out what this is?
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How do i know if my cat is male or female
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Why is it necassary to put horses to sleep if they break a leg is it to difficult to mend
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My cat growls, hisses and scratches when we try to pet her. We have had her since a kitten so i know she has never been mistreated. She has been neutered so it cant be a frustration thing. I thought...
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I have a budgie in an outdoor aviary, a few months ago now, it lost it's flight feathers and haven't shown any sign of growing back. Is there anything I can do to help them grow back? Thank you for...
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what are the signs and symptoms of pregnancy in a great dane
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We have a lab who was given to us at a very early age. We think she is about 10-11 months old. She was in heat about a month ago. Her nipples are getting large and she seems to be filling up with...
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my wife found a red spider in the bathroom the size of a one pound coin, is this common.
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sarah :O)
found hinding in towel in airing cupboard, caterpillar like about 3mm long. What is it?
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Help my cat is licking herself so much, that its making her bald. Took her to the vet last year, and was told its her hormones. She is 8years old, and the problem has started up again. Its not fleas...
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Do Hamster have menustration
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How was Robin Hood's company called?
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my 4 year old child dont listen to me and always says i can't when i speek to her to do something for me
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My 9 year old son absolutely hates school. (as I did when I was a child, I left school with no qualifications and now have a masters degree). He is extremely intelligent and friendly, and he loves...
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Can anyone recommend a children's entertainer suitable for a 4 year olds birthday party. I live in Essex bordering London and Hertfordshire. Ta
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How does a young gay guy get into the UK/EU world of porn?
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April west
have they ever found the bodies lost in the bermuda triangle?
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What movies were tampered with having inappropriate sublimenal messages or pictures?
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when did king herod the great die

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