If you are getting Income Support including payment for dependent children in full time education, are the children allowed part time work and would it affect the benefit? Thanks
My daughter is thinking of sharing a house with 3 friends. The friends are at Uni so do not have to pay council tax. my daughter will be working. Will she be liable for the whole council tax or can...
Csi NY has a reworked intro. It is still Baba O'RIley but the background music has been changed. Does anyone know if the vocals have been redone or if they have laid the old vocals over the backing...
Don't know if this is the right place for this question but didn't know where else to put it We receive income support because my husband is severely disabled. I do not work as i am his carer. We also...
I have an opened bottle of Brandy from this time last year (used it when I made Christmas cakes). Will it be ok to use it in my cake this year? How long does it last when opened? Thanks
Anyone else noticed this week that the Dail Maail x word compiler is setting clues using nursery rhymes 2 today, 2 yesterday and 3 one of the other days. gets a bit boring.
My great aunt is 91 and in a nursing home. It is a lovely home, big old house, nicely furnished wonderful food but i am very worried about the staffing levels. About 18 months ago my aunt fell out of...
My daughter has been ill for a while now and unable to go to school so has a home tutor. She is currently doing her GCSE's and yesterday had her 2nd English paper (higher tier). She was unable to do...
Just going through my profile and notice that one question I answered the answer was removed. Can I find out what it was and why it was removed? Thanks
My Mum lives on her own in a 2 bedroomed house, cottage really. In the winter because she works she has the heating and hot water come on for 2 hours in the morning and 5-6 hours in the evening. On...
We are having a new shed put up. The man at the council said the concrete base will be 5 m square. What is this in feet and how long will each side be. Sorry maths is not my strong point.
My daughter is 16 and intends working in Forensics particularly the criminial investigations side, (CSI has a lot to answer for! lol). She is going to college to do Applied Science for a year followed...
My daughter has been ill for over 2 years now and for the last 2 years has had a wonderful home tutor 4 times a week. My daughter is taking her GCSE's in June and after they have finished will no...