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Any chance of a category for the above please Ed? It seems to work as a TV programme & might allow some AB'ers to let off steam, all in one place! Reading though some of the threads on here (when I...
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THE THREE LITTLE PIGS This is a true story, proving how fascinating the mind of a six year old is. They think so logically..... A teacher was reading the story of the 'Three Little Pigs' to her class....
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Would it be possible to have a sub-section under AB Suggestions called: >Sub-section complaints? It would be nice to confine them all into one place! Thank you.
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I read in the newspaper last week, that more schools are introducing the use of fountain pens back into the classroom again. I was really pleased to read this, as due to emailing & texting, etc.,...
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Just looked on Travel only to find three sub-cat's, two of which are: >Destinations >Getting there Surely these two could have been combined!
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Morning Ed - As dear Dot is a popular member of AB, I have posted birthday greetings to her/him (?) on four different threads & in different categories. Also posted the same for someone elses birthday...
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Today received a reply to one of my threads dating back to Aug 05! Thought you might be interested in reading it: n130577.html
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Is it true they've started making Viagra in powder form to put in your tea? Apparently, it does nothing for erections, but stops your biscuits from going soft!
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Hi Ed, someone has recently mentioned that by clicking on Topics to the left of the page, it automatically opens up all the Categories & Sub-categories. P'raps it would be a good idea to inform all...
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I would have thought the new sub-headings in Shopping, might have also read for: Ladies Men Children Am I alone on this one?
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Further to all the recent posts regarding Muslims wearing the full veil ('specially the ones with mesh eye slits) - if such a person knocked on your door to read the gas or electric meter, would you:...
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Our 6 year old Granddaughter is due to have her tonsils out next Wed 25th & although we're all being encouraging & putting on brave faces for her, she is absolutely terrified of going into hospital &...
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Is one of my favourite programmes. Just watched the Nigella Lawson one, which was so interesting, even though certain parts of it made me cry , 'specially the Jewish prisoners of war scenes. I've...
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I like them too Miami, but I can't post on your thread! Shows page can't be displayed?
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In the 'olden days', we used to use sheets, blankets & bedspreads on the beds, but have been using duvets & sheets for years now. Just wondering what your preferences are these days?
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My husband enjoys cooking & still likes to make a traditional Sunday roast dinner. I know I shouldn't complain as it's always delicious & just as good as the ones I make. However, the 'tradition' can...

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