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Has anything awful like this happed to you before?
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Why do we say "It cost an arm & a leg"?
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Where does the word 'Digs' as in accommodation originate please?
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I have no problems burning CD's (using Windows Media Player - Series 9), but wondered why they then play on our Hi-Fi, but not on my personal CD player, or some other players? It usually...
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Where/what does the name originate from?
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I'm amazed at the amount of people from my school days, who have contacted me via F/R. After all these years, we have exchanged fond memories & photo's of each other. Has anyone...
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What did you think of her singing? (I didn't think she could sing, but wondered what you thought).
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Just wondered if any of you watched Question Time tonight? If so, in a nutshell, what did you think of the individual responses from Charles Kennedy, Michael Howard & Tony Blair?
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Last week a very pretty girl was walking past my daughter's house, when she made a clearing noise in her throat, then spat on the pavement. My daughter & I were astounded & the girl...
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I was born in Islington, London.
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Just thought I'd wish FP & any others: "A very happy birthday - have fun! -xx-"
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I watched the film 'Gosford Park' on TV last night, but is was so drawn out, I fell asleep just before the end! So, my question is "Who was the murderer please?". Thank you.
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How many ABer's do not have a middle name? Am I of the minority with only a forename? (My husband has two middle names!).
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Just heard that the brilliant & endearing Sir John Mills has sadly died. Would you like to add your condolences? RIP John. -x-
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I've just heard on the radio that 3 to 4 police officers in America, handcuffed a 5 year old girl. I switched on Sky News just to clarify what I'd heard & it showed  this actually happening!...
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Our 5 year old granddaughter is just getting over Chicken Pox, so we're expecting her little sister of  2 yrs to get it now. However, our daughter (their Mummy) has phoned to say she's...

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