/// Today, Judge Patrick Thomas QC said he did not believe the...
Hi I could hardly watch the news tonight about the poor wee boy that died in soo much pain Now I've just read the Scottish news and kids threw a lit firwork into a pram of a sleeping baby when the... On Holocaust Memorial Day almost 70 years after WW2 ended, isn't it now time that these macabre Death Camp...
I uploaded a video clip of me and me mates off road cycling and posted it on YouTube. I put a backing track to it just to give it a bit extra as there was obviously no dialogue. After posting it I got...
I am a pensioner and am having a taxi to take me to the nearest town to see a friend in hospital. It si costing me £15 each way and I wonder if I am expected to give a tip and if so how much Janet... Should be interesting to see how successful he is in his quest to prove that Met...
Chris Evans, just this minute played Bring Him Home and I Dreamed a Dream from Les Mis. I heard him say that it was the version of Dreamed sang by Susan Boyle, but missed who was singing the Bring Him...
I posted on here a while ago about this, looks like its coming to crunch time and they want their money back. the overpayment came about by them not responding to information given to the them over... Could this all be down to PC, or simply because he is the most...
The Believers frequently propose that mortal life has no point without the everlasting life that follows for the faithful. Yet that promise is to a place where there seems nothing to do but worship...
On NYE I dropped a friend off at her house and witnessed a violent crime. She also gave my name and number to the police as she knows I saw what happened. I initially agreed to give a statement but...
Do you think being a step-parent is harder than being a parent? I feel that I am only just getting to grips with family life, I moved in with my partner and her toddler son 6 months ago. I thought...
A gay couple from Essex are considering mounting a legal challenge over the rights of same sex couples to marry in the Church of England. What are...
I know it is in the US, but that a 20+ yr old can get hold of a variety of guns, walk into an elementary school and needlessly kill 20 iinnocent children and 6 adults, makes you wonder what will... Wouldn't community service have been a better idea than added expense to the taxpayer? And I'm frankly amazed that Rothko's paintings sell for such...
I have a friend who is being used by this guy, has been for a good while now. He wants her to be his slave. He makes arrangements with her and she gets really excited and then he cancels last minute....