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I wrote to ITV to obtain all the voting figures for the semi finals and final of Britains Got Talent They gave me a web site link, which only showed the winning percentages. I wrote to them again to...
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Apparently Yasmina has complained to the BBC for false editing, and that she was made to look a liar after the interview with Claude She said the interview "went well" to her colleagues after another...
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The G20 protest is taking place today in London. "Protesters" have now begun smashing windows and breaking into the RBS. Is this democracy at work? What odds on a full scale riot before the afternoon...
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Little Alfies not the Daddy...............then who the hell is? looks like we've picked up this tab too
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Apparently the council have been bombarded with demands that a statue be erected in her memory,on a council estate in south london!!!
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oakman123 2/British-teenagers-binge-drinking-champions-E urope.html Doesn't it make you proud that the British are the champions???? Why are our Girls the one's to...
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A young man whose consensual sex partner couldn't remember the tryst, and claimed rape because she was drunk, has been cleared.
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What next, adverts aimed at girls for whatever reason find themselves pregnant for the first time, apparently the TV watchdog have agreed to this as we in Britain have the highest rate of teenage...
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What is it about this disaster that can still fire the imagination and have people scrabbling for their cheque books?
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Can someone please clear this argument in our house. My mum says that the train that goes over the bridge at the start of Coronation Street runs Right to Left but twice she has seen it run Left to...
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Did anybody see it? Pakistan, Swot Valley or whatever, great stuff, coming to Britain soon. Allah is your friend - unless of course you are White, Gay, female, Jewish (most especially), Western,...
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For the umpteenth time his lawyers are pressing for wrongful guilty verdict some 22 years ago. He has always pleaded his innocence. Its thought that the latest information where the police moved her...
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I've just eaten my first Easter egg of the year so far. It was a Cadburys Dairy Milk Buttons egg. The egg itself was much thinner than any I've ever had before. Is this anyone else's experience too...
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anotheoldgit /price-of-drinks-may-double-1645480.html Will charging extra for drinks really curb binge-drinking? I don't think so, they will still pay up no matter...
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Dear Friends and Colleagues, Most people are unaware that in 2005 a fundamental change in police powers was quietly passed into law; a change that directly affects the life and liberty of you and...
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Here in NZ there seems to be more Reality shows than anything else. For instance, tonight on one channel there's 4 reality shows in a row! And every night there are 1 or 2 on every channel. Maddening...
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Do the presenters of tonights children in need get paid salaries? I remember some years ago that Terry Wogan got paid thousands. (never liked that man anyway)
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again... i CANT believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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There is talk now of altering the law to create a database to warn people of potentially violent partners, that's fine. Good idea. But how is it that we can have a system to warn adults about the...
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nedflanders m Would you pay it? Personally it must be counter productive, surely people will be less likely to buy a drink on board hence losing them money?

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