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I use liquid in my (clothes) washing machine instead of powder, and usually use the tesco/asda/sainsburys branded stuff. But I was wondering what the Tesco Value (and equivalents in other...
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jack daniels
I've got some radish & apart from having it in salads is there any other way of having them? TIA
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Going to be Godmother for my gorgous nephew, am delighted ofcourse. Want to buy something a bit unique, (he has already been bought all the sliver keepsakes etc) but something that he will always...
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Ok, this could be a long one. Our 4 week old baby who I'm breastfeeding, currently feeds every 2-5 hours through the day and night. Mostly every 3 during the night. We bath her and put on p.j's at...
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My wife (who grew up in Yorkshire in the 1950s and 1960s) uses the word "smitch" (or possibly "smich") to describe the atmosphere in a kitchen resulting from burnt food. It describes the combination...
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Hi all, did anyone experience separation anxiety with their babies and to what extent? And how long did it last for? My nine month old has been acting really out of character the past week, we have...
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does anyone have a babyish 3yr old boy that they are hoping to potty train or anyone have advice on this, he is such a good happy boy but when it comes to the potty its just sooo difficult!! he doesnt...
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new year resolution not biting nails. they are just starting to grow? they were bit down to the quick. how can i make them stronger because they are very weak. please help need some good tips
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I have an old dog who get stiff joints after long sleeps ... and I usually take his "duvet" into the bedroom at night and her slepps on that on the floor .... I am looking for a small mattress, as...
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Really horrible question (Sorry) iv tried everything to get rid of a Verucca on my foot which has been there 15 years (!!) doctors have done all sorts and nothing has helped, has anyone heard of any...
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Is there a name for the tiny threads of skin above the cuticles that lift up in cold weather, seemingly specifically designed to catch on woolly clothes and gloves?
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Hi,does anybody know or recommend a good mobility company in Bridgend in S Wales,want to buy a mobility scooter.Many thanks.
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What do i get my nanna for xmas? She's 87, gets all her books from the library, doesn't wear jewellery as such and has got hats and scarves etc coming out of her ears. She had pyjamas and dressing...
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Well a week ago today I eventually decided that my 4 &1/2 yr old didn't really need her dummy! So after asking her if she would like an early extra Christmas present from Santa, which if course she...
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do any of you women out there suffer from severe pms? a few days before my period i get incredibly depressed. I sit and cry and i have no idea why. i get really sensitive and i become a real bitch too...
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i have 4 toilets in my house but only one gets limescale on it, any ideas why,?
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Hello - am v fed up got a stinking rotten cold and am overflowing with snot (sorry not really any other way to describe it) My usual lifesaver Day Nurse just isn't clearing it nor is Sudafed (I'm...
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a puppy be when they will start to understand comands.sit,stay,wait.and dont pull on the bl**dy lead? just talked to owner of the pup we are looking after .he said the dog still pulls as its still a...
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Further to my previous thread about Tesco Direct ... I buy Tesco Granary bread, and have found that the last two loaves have been ... smaller and squarer !! And no cheaper !!! Talk about cut backs.
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Is there a particular distinction between the two or is it more down to personal preference? Which do you prefer. Definitely Miss for me :)

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