Has anybody noticed that there is a complete glut of huge blackberries everywhere this year, yet nobody is out with bowls picking them, and I don't see birds and animals eating them. Which animals or...
In what contexts can we use the expression 'she was caught', meaning that she got pregnant? Are there any other ways of expressing the same 'event'? (P.S. I'm not a native.)
we live in a 3 bed house which is housing association property we have 3 kids aged 14 months boy 8 year old girl and 13 yearr old boy when youngest needs his own room in next 12-18 months our daughter...
My husband wants a new pair of binoculars, but I am totally confused by all the different magnifications 8 x 40, 8 x 42, 12 x 50 etc etc. Which is the best sort to have for hobby bird watching. Thanks
Whats the easiest meal you make, obviously spag bol has got to be top on the list and doesnt take long. So whats the easiest meal you put together and I'm not talking microwave or over chips :-)
As most of you know know i recently had a baby girl. She is now 8 days old, She started breast feeding on the first night fine but on the second night a midwife had to give her formula as i wasn't...
Hi Does anyone know where you can get cheap car insurance for a 17 year old who has just passed his driving test ? The quotes we have are ridiculously high. The car is worth about ?300 and the...
Can anyone help please. A wire from my daughters underwired bra has come out and has gone through the little holes in the drum of her washing machine. The machine is now making a noise as the drum...
My friends little sister just had her first baby and he weighed 10lb 12 oz !! Anyone else had a big baby? My boy was 9lb 7 1/2 oz and I thought he was big lol
Hi, we are about to go to The States with our children and will be staying in a fairly rural area. When we last went a couple of years ago I remember that it was really difficult to find something...
I absolutely love the mild yoghurty minty sauce that you get with chiken tikka massala and salad!! I went to a resaurant once and asked for Raita thinking that was what it was!! to my dismay i...
My 3 year old has developed travel sickness all of a sudden. The problem is there seems to be no patten to it. Sometimes she is throwing up after 30 mins and other times we can go 3 hours with...
we have a new village hall and are looking for a name, any suggestions? Something short and sweet which will appeal to the youngsters and old alike. hope you can help, thanks
hi my little boys just turnt 3 yr old n i have been trying to get him to use his potty 4 ages now. i gave him treats 4 sitting on there in the past but none recently as i told him he gotta go wee on...
For cleaning the bathroom tiles - the ones that are difficult to reach - does anybody know any shops that sell like a sponge on a stick (almost like a feather duster, but replace the feathers with a...