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Does UKIP specifically appeal to those with racial prejudices? Is this something that Farage needs to worry about? Cards on the table, when I think about it, I reckon I have a few [i]social[i]*,...
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Is there any better sentence than that to make you automatically sigh and shake your head, because you know what's coming up next?...
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Following on from a thread last week, now that we have all had a chance to watch ‘UKIP: The First 100 Days’, what are your thoughts on the way the subject was handled by CH4? I’m particularly...
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According to the Pope, they are: I know two couples who have elected not to have kids, not out of...
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Mind boggling. Certain newspapers and their readers were all ove this earlier this week. Cathy Newman claimed to have been ushered out of the mosque despite being dressed appropriately. In truth, she...
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Please! What is the word that describes someone who feels that the world owes them something. It's often a word used about (stroppy) teenagers....
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The sad demise of a harmless British tradition, brought low by a phalanx of hairy feminists and liberal yoghurt knitters? Or the welcome eradication of a blatantly sexist anachronism in what purports...
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Do you agree with the Pope, that freedom of speech should have limits? He is reported to have said: "...religions had to be treated with respect, so that people's faiths were not insulted or...
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This seems pretty outrageous: An excuse to whittle away at...
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I work in IT, so hackers are my natural enemy - but this just seems like a *** great idea:...
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Or will those who (like Rupert Murdoch) think that all Muslims are responsible for the attack continue to believe so? What on Earth was Ahmed Merabet doing working as a policeman, protecting the...
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I never thought I would ever be in a position to write a sentence that includes both 'Thatcher' and 'sex toys'. What are your thoughts on this?...
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What gets your vote? Some reminders/suggestions: The Missing The Fall Modern Family Remember Me Broadchurch Dr Who Game of Thrones Black Mirror Transparent Hannibal Downton Abbey Sherlock Call The...
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Does anyone know what UKIP Councillor Roxanne Duncan actually said? It's been reported all...
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With ten days to go, and in the knowledge that many of us are yet to put our trees up, wrap gifts, sort out the lunch menu or decide which carrol service we are attending, may I take this opportunity...
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Apropos of nothing, does anyone else find it amusing that the UKIP's general secretary, accused of sexual harassment is called... ...Roger Bird?...
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I applaud the sentence handed down to these men. I applaud their families for turning them in. However, I totally disagree with this statement from the family involved: "We feel completely betrayed."...
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Does anyone know the actual name of the piece of music that you heard before the advert in Odeon cinemas in the 70s?
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Leaving aside the (admittedly justifiable) mocking tone of the report...would [i]you[i] mistake Westminster Cathedral for a mosque?...
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What are your feelings about a scheme to give new mums shopping vouchers for breastfeeding?

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